Publish time 1-12-2019 21:05:34
It’s no difference than having a thumb turn euro cylinder on your front door for insurance purposes.
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:05:34
You can also add a bridge from Danalock to the set up so you can control it over the internet.
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:05:34
No fingerprint access. No keycard access. It does at least have a separate pin pad available but it's an add on and you need somewhere near to site it. That said looking at it it's just clipped onto the wall so what's to stop some scrote just stealing it?
As a bog standard smart lock it's fine but the feature list is basic if you compare it to something like that UL300 I mentioned.
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:05:35
That’s fair enough, would be a bulky package to get all those features included. Separate keypad is good IMO. I prefer modularity. Some decent wall anchor and they won’t be able to remove it easily. Certainly no easier than a video doorbell for example.
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:05:36
Sorry to be pedantic but If you look at the install video I would beg to differ. The plastic holder is screwed to the wall then the keypad is simply twisted onto it so it's not like the case of the keypad is actually attached. It's a lightweight plastic frame that the keypad is twisted onto and I would think it's trivial to untwist it again (as you probably do it to put in new batteries).
Go have a look at the UL300. Has all that built in and is hardly bulky (and I'd suggest while definitely bigger is a lot less unsightly that the back of that Ultion). I'm not here trying to sell that UL300 as I've said many times no way of telling if it's secure or not but it's a pretty great looking unit with some great features.
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:05:36
You would also probably need a new wooden front door to fit it into. It comes with a mortise lock supplied doesn’t it?
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:05:37
OK so I took a look at the UL300 an whilst it looks better on the inside, it looks worse on the outside. No idea what the lock mechanism is like either, at least with the Ultion you know you're getting a strong lock. But otherwise I like it. But it doesn’t seem to work with eurocylinder locks. 
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:05:38
Oh yeh completely. As someone with a wooden door already that doesn't bother me though 
As I mentioned it's not some panacea solution either just think feature (and aesthetic) wise I prefer it.
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:05:38
Yeh as I've said in every post the fact it lacks any kind of security certification at all (either in the US or UK) is a complete showstopper for me. Ultion is definitely miles ahead as far as certified security is concerned so it's a non-contest. That's precisely why I've not and wouldn't buy one.
As for how it looks, you can certainly say it's worse on the outside but not so bad that I'd dislike it. That Ultion/Danalock one I actually dislike on the inside. For me it's the difference between something that's clearly a purpose built solution with something that looks like a clunky addon.
Looking better or not though it's not going to get it sales when it has no security credentials 
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:05:39
I don’t know about you, but I don’t spend much time looking at my front door when I’m at home.  I see why the danalock looks like it does, it’s design as a standalone lock aimed more at replacing the “dead bolt” style locks that are separate from the handle. In our multipoint systems, the handle and lock are part of the same mechanism.