Do you leave your solid state amps powered up.
My Rega Elicit R has no stand-by option, just a power on and off button. It gets switched off after use. What do you do? It is easiest to shut my amps off with the Remote Control which only switches them to Stand-By. On occasion, I will push the Power Button on the actual amp for a variety of reasons, though not often. This shuts them off completely.Occasionally, I'll fall asleep on the sofa and the amp will stay on overnight. Frequently when I get up, I won't bother to actually turn the amp off either with the Power Switch or with the Remote, so they may stay on all day.
But, what I generally and most often do is use the Remote to switch the amp to stand by.
Steve/bluewizard Rega Brio - no fancy/unnecessary circuitry with Rega - Manual switch off! 
Sometimes it stays on for a few hours after use, but by the end of the evening it's off. How much juice does it use when there is no signal?
Every 10W on 24/7 is £10 a year  mine has no on off switch just standby
standby draws 50 watts so it seems leaving my amp plugged in costs me 50 quid a year  What about a smart power strip whereby the main amp is the "Monitored" output and switches the rest on I can’t imagine why anyone turns them off at all? At 50w on standby I would save money;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 
But 50W at standby is a whopping amount. There’ll not be many but the heftiest of power amps (or power amp sections) that burn that much. Just checked my Rotel RA-1570 Integrated Amp consumers 0.5w in Standby. I'm not worried.
And I agree, 50w in Standby is a lot, can you tell us what amp that is?