Publish time 28-11-2019 01:10:42
Marantz is probably working on the assumption that those that would purchase the pm8006 would either use the sister nd8006 as a DAC hub and the two are heavily promoted together. Sabre 9016 in the nd8006 I believe. The pm8006 is a good old bare bones analogue amp just my Rega.
Publish time 28-11-2019 01:10:43
Actually I’d forgotten about that. It would be a bit of self harm to make the PM as useful as the ND.
Good point sir , cheers 
Publish time 28-11-2019 01:10:44
You could always get a mini DSP with DIRAC built in and go down that route?
Publish time 28-11-2019 01:10:45
I have already sir. For about two years. A mighty fine thing too.
Publish time 28-11-2019 01:10:45
Sorry, I don´t get it. An AVR with 2.0 processing plus 2 additional Subwoofer PreOuts?
I understand the lust for stereo power.
I understand the need for slim case receivers.
I understand the urge for AVRs that are not getting red hot.
And I understand that big AVRs are burning electricity and money, even when you are listening to Stereo Sources.
Wouldn´t it make more sense if this piece had 2.0 and 5.1 and 7.2 processing with 5 additional PreOuts for an external 5 channel Amplifier?
This way you wouldn´t need your own power plant or a cooling unit when you are listening Stereo Sources.
Output for 4 Speakers? Nice. But I´d still prefer my solution above and in Stereo Mode the Surround PreOuts work as PreOuts for B Speakers.
Let´s be real. For those who live in a city, it will never be possible to test the maximum output. I would prefer a Loudness Button for lower outputlevel listening instead.
Publish time 28-11-2019 01:10:46
The 1200 is a perfect buy for stereo listeners who do not want 5.1, 7.1 or any other number of speakers.
The sub outs, assuming there’s even rudimentary bass management, are a godsend for those who would also like to have virtually full range speakers from a modest amplifier and those who want to indulge in some whopping film soundtracks with the full bass heft but in 2.1 only.
There aren’t many ways to do that, so this is a potential gold mine.
As for preouts for extra channels that would be a waste of effort for Marantz.
They already sell the NR1510 (five channel) and the NR1710 (seven channel).
Both in the same chassis, with the 1610 sporting all the current stiffies including Dolby Atmos.
So if 2.1-2 is not for you, you do have two impressive choices in the same box.
Also, again assuming the 1200 has high pass filters, then the already welcome high current 75W becomes effectively more when no longer driving the stereo speakers lower than around about 80Hz.
Big wins all round for Marantz I’d say.
As for the preamp outs, I’d say that people at this price point, and anything under at least two grand, almost universally don’t want, and can’t be arsed with, preouts and power amps and cable and faff.
They’ll just buy one of the other NRs
Publish time 28-11-2019 01:10:47
It's a good move on the part of Marantz. Many people with a limited scope for a full surround sound will be more than happy with a stereo image. Bringing it's use a HDMI hub has tremendous value.
If your usage is just for TV and film then it's going to fill a good marketing gap.
2ch Man
Publish time 28-11-2019 01:10:48
Usually though 2ch stereo amps have more power for left and right speakers than on muliti channel av receivers.
I am a 2ch guy and find listening to movies in 2ch great nice and clear on my stereo setup
Publish time 28-11-2019 01:10:49
so thats the only real.benefit going for this over a multi channel avr.
most home cinema enthusiastics will never go for 2 channel
its £600... a lot of money to spend for a bit more power/control.. and no option to upgrade to multi channel in the future..
2ch Man
Publish time 28-11-2019 01:10:50
Its ideal for cinema fans who only have room for 2ch, or for those who don't want 10 speakers in your room, annoying the neighbours underneath you and too many speakers is really loud end up going deaf.
My 2ch setup is loud enough