Cha1ky Publish time 27-11-2019 21:58:01

Which won't happen unfortunately.

holtehero Publish time 27-11-2019 21:58:01

No the stupidity of the many, will outweigh the intelligence of the few

Cha1ky Publish time 27-11-2019 21:58:01

TBH if it was a game I was really looking forward to I'd find it hard not to buy it.

Although PC might be getting nerfed, its still half the price of the console version so at least thats a bonus.

I kind of know what to expect after seeing watch dogs at various stages of its cycle.

holtehero Publish time 27-11-2019 21:58:01

I think that is the problem, they know the PC gamers will cave in and buy it anyway as its likely to be cheaper.

Also, with the modding community we are in some ways lucky that there are talented individuals who will spend time and a lot of effort in making games look like they should have in the first place

One thing i have decided, is that i won't ever pay full price for a ubisoft game again (luckily i got watchdogs for around £16) as they blatently don't care about PC gamers anymore.

Cha1ky Publish time 27-11-2019 21:58:01

Yeah, I said i'd bite at £15 for Watch Dogs but don't even think i'll bother with it at all now TBH.

Played a bit in work and just wasn't pulled in.

holtehero Publish time 27-11-2019 21:58:02

It took a while for me to like Watchdogs, but then it hooked me and i actually ended up finishing it (including most of the side missions)

Albeit, i probably spent far too much time playing with the different mods and sweetFx so it looked and ran better than default

The annoying thing is that the Division looks more interesting and its coop, just wish it was published by a company that values PC gamers rather than ubisoft

Cha1ky Publish time 27-11-2019 21:58:02

EA...Wait...Activisio....wait.......I'll get back to you 

holtehero Publish time 27-11-2019 21:58:03

only one recently that springs to mind are 2K games with things like BL2

Will be interesting to see how Evolve compares

Will still probably end up buying the Division at some point //

kav Publish time 27-11-2019 21:58:04

Yes, loads of people. There are a few members here who will crap on PC gaming every chance they get.

Out of interest, I did some rough calculations this morning on the train (nerd alert):

Assume an 8-year lifespan for a console. Assume an average person buys 20 games per year. Assume the price for games on console is £30 and on PC is £20 (that's being generous to console prices and let's face it, PC gamers can buy hundreds of titles for less than a fiver, but just for the sake of comparison, let's leave it at that). None of these assumptions are particularly unrealistic. I've purposely left out other factors like peripherals, for simplicity. I have included £600 for upgrades for PC halfway through the life cycle.

PC Costs
New high end PC: £1200
20 games per year x 8 years x £20 per game = £3200
Throw in a CPU/GPU upgrade after 4 years: £600

Total cost of ownership = £5000

Console Costs
New console: £350
20 games per year x 8 years x £30 per game = £4800

Total cost of ownership = £5150

I'm going to post it the next time someone tries to say that PC gaming is too expensive... 

holtehero Publish time 27-11-2019 21:58:06

I think your being generous on the £30 a console game, i'd say £40 these days

Does make you think though
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