messenger Publish time 27-11-2019 21:56:33

Just fired this up and wow Ray tracing & DLSS have made this look amazing.

Only just started the storey and already this looks like something really special, runs like a charm too whilst getting between 70 - 110 fps with all settings turned up to extreme @ 1440p.

Hope others enjoy this release ..

Bretto Publish time 27-11-2019 21:56:34

Reading reviews it seems the "open World" isn't as big as I had hoped.
Yet another sale game I'm afraid :-(

MikeKay1976 Publish time 27-11-2019 21:56:34

I have to admit I am regretting the decision to get a 1080ti over a 2080. The price was a small factor (at the time 580 for 1080ti Vs 670 for 2080) but mostly the ram difference (8gb Vs 11gb)
But rtx does look the dogs dangles and performance has gone up since launch.
Still..... The 1080ti is a monster and I have a stupid back catalogue without rtx.I will simply hold of on rtx titles and pick them all up cheap when I next upgrade 

huxley Publish time 27-11-2019 21:56:34

Has this been cracked yet? The only way I`m going to play this before the Steam release is either 2nd hand console version or pirate it. The publisher isn't getting my money.

ps I`ve not pirated a game since the C64 

messenger Publish time 27-11-2019 21:56:35

You probably made the better decision getting the 1080ti over the 2080, the ram increase is well worth it and will benefit you in many games.

aslird Publish time 27-11-2019 21:56:35

How about supporting the devs that put a massive amount of effort into making the game, instead of crying that you can't play it on steam?

MikeKay1976 Publish time 27-11-2019 21:56:36

Sup to you and am not judging but I do not get this logicat all. Is it really that big a deal it is not on steam?. I will be honest I sort of felt the same way with HL2. I objected to valve forcing me to install their bloatware as opposed to not having to install anything, but to blindly choose 1 DRM bloat ware over another ....?
As for DRM free, whilst there are a few which support it that ship has largely sailed.

Edit pretty much ninja'd by @aslird

Foster Publish time 27-11-2019 21:56:37

So you damage the developer instead then.

huxley Publish time 27-11-2019 21:56:37

Oh my!
Calm down people, I have no intention of stealing this or playing it at 30fps on a console. I will angry post oncein a while, or until it’s released on steam.

But feel free to keep hitting the angry button on my the above post.

JokerJack Publish time 27-11-2019 21:56:39

I love the look of ray tracing but some of the rooms with a single light source are so dark it’s hard to see anything.Defo looks much better though, have a 2080ti running everything on ultra as couldn’t see the difference when on extreme.Running it on my ultra wide at about 100fps without any dlss.Game looks stunning just feels like something is missing, maybe it’s just me but just hasn’t grabbed me as much as I thought it would.
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