Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:41
Me dreaming of an upgrade....
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:41
for those as desperate for news on the next gen nvidia card then look here.
its not too exciting however, may just be a cgi mockup rather than a real card but it it claimed to be the 1st shot of an 1180/2080.
Dont bother with the comments section, as usual it is the same old arguments.
Maxsun teases GeForce GTX 2080 iCraft graphics card -
Furnace Inferno
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:41
I’ve given up caring now, I’m just going to upgrade when the next-gen VR headsets hit.
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:42
do you include the pimax 8k in that?if so fingers crossed for this year sometime.
if not then you may be able to get a 1180ti by the time the next "next gen" headsets come out.
Furnace Inferno
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:42
I do not, I mean the next jump rather than just a resolution/FOV bump, probably CV2 as Oculus dash and their platform simply works better than SteamVR.
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:42
yeah... i am not a fan of steamVR myself either.who knows maybe next gen the Khronos group will come out with some universal solution.
it seems their 1st "project" is now complete and the GTX11 / 20 gpu series will have the VR link on the card.
Theydon Bois
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:43
Some good advice
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:43
I currently have a 1070 and am either going to buy a ready built PC or build my own again. I built my current one (with a different GPU) back in 2011 - it's an i5 2500 sandybridge.
I'm just wondering if I build a new PC with a really good i7 and 16GB RAM, would my 1070 be good enough for modern games or should I be looking to get the 1080ti ?
I don't know if I should stick with my 1070 and then re-evaluate next year or just do it now.
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:43
with a 1070 i think you would be nuts to upgrade now!. at 1080p that card is a monster.
it is a good 1440p card.... and to be totally honest NO card is a great 4k card at the moment.
i would be waiting to see what the 1180 brings to the table (or 1170 if 1440p is ok for you)
but with a 1070.... if it were me even if i wanted 4k i would make do till the 1180ti hits which is a little wait but i think will be the 1st true, 4k 60fps high detail for the majority of games card.
i have a 980 with a 4k tv so cant wait that long..
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:43
Cheers mate, that was what I was hoping to hear  Now to decide if I go Intel or AMD for the CPU 