Publish time 27-11-2019 05:08:34
For ACC (posted on the MXGP Pro Steam forums).
All Milestones UE4 games have been a blurry mess so far, with Gravel being the least blurry, but still blurry to an extent.
This happens because of TAA anti aliasing which is a great anti aliasing to get rid of jaggies, but blurs the image quality, which is why most devs add a Sharpening filter in the graphics options of their UE4 games, something Milestone dont do ofcourse lol.
Anyway follow these instructions, and thank me later lol -
Go to:
and edit:
Put this in file below everything else-
You need TAA set to 'High' ingame for this to work properly.
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:08:35
Well, eventually got under the 2min mark with 1:59.736
Furnace Inferno
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:08:36
Looks like how I have to drive, I’m about 4ft to the left of my TV and after about 10mins I get really bad neck ache!
Did 1.58.8 in practice and then 1.57.7 in hotlap driving much worse, you get a fair bit more speed in ideal conditions. I’m just waiting for the VR update now like you guys, although tempted to try it in bigscreen beta like I do with Forza 7 and AMS, does a fairly convincing job of fake VR on a giant curved screen just in front of you, probably the more accurate FOV whilst still being able to look left/right a bit.
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:08:37
I tried Bigscreen beta and hated it.
I couldn'tjudge the corners what so ever,
I had never used it before, so a little practice may have helped though, but I couldn't get away with it at all.
Furnace Inferno
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:08:38
For some reason it just works for me, I use maximum screen size, curve the screen a bit and then move it close enough to completely fill my FOV and need to look left/right to see the edges but doesn’t give eye strain.
The thing it does which I like is makes the scenery to scale, cockpit is obviously huge but you kind of just zone that out. I really struggle now on a real world flatscreen to know where the apexes are when I can’t see them but for whatever reason you still can’t see them with this method but the act of having to look left/right just gives back that feel and judgement with it for me at least.
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:08:39
going to have a go shortly only done a few laps the day it was out. It funny when you see good laps on youtube they look kinda slow but turn out to be damn fast when i seen the 1:54. Weird.
Guess it's true that if it looks slow it's usually fast!
and Thug why can't you just move the playseat over that few feet for a go? No way i could play it like that, at very least id have to angle it over to face screen, i have to get mine out every time!, only takes 2mins tho.
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:08:40
Yeah I could move the Playseat over, but I have a fractured finger at the minute (work related injury) and it bloody hurts when I knock it (and probably effecting my lap times now). I might give it a go.
I have just downloaded the Misano track for AC to get some practice in (in VR) pre-release of ACC build 2.
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:08:41 Well that worked a little better.
Furnace Inferno
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:08:41
My rig weighs 80kg so I’ll be damned if I’m going to move it!
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:08:41
I really can’t get any faster than that.
But I will keep trying 