Publish time 27-11-2019 03:15:59
Streetpass Relay has finally arrived (via an update today), so it might now be worth looking at the new Plaza games.I'm going to see what my Streetpass rate is like over the next few days first though.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:16:00
I walk through St Pancreas Station every day to work and get street passes from all over the world Some of the houses in my HHA are amazing
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:16:01
I've got to say that so far I've been completely underwhelmed with Streetpass Relay.I've been to a few places that claim (on my 3DS) to have Nintendo Zone, but so far no sign of any Streetpasses through them.I had high hopes for this, but so far it's been pretty;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Streetpass in Animal Crossing is good fun though.I got a Japanese one a couple of weeks ago while in Canterbury.There did seem to be a lot of Japanese schoolkids or students (they were all wearing the same uniform), so I guess it wasn't a huge surprise to get a Streetpass from one of them.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:16:01
This baffeld me for quite some time also.
I recently went to Portugal for a holiday and managed quite a few hits in the airport this side and that side. I even managed to get a portuguese hit adding that country to my map.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:16:02
Has anybody here bought the Streetpass games?My wife bought them recently so I went ahead too.So far I'm actually pretty underwhelmed by them.The one we actually seem to be playing the most is the flower game, which is the one I expected to like the least.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:16:03
I bought them all just after launch and think they're all fairly good. You really need to be getting 5streetpasses at a time to make them worth getting though. Personally I likeMansion the best then Squad, Garden and Battle. Garden is the one with the most substance to it.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:16:04
I'm getting very few Streetpasses, even now Streetpass Relay is up and running.I can normally get one if I swing by my local Subway, but that's about it in my home town.So the main person I Streetpass with is my wife.Consequently I get the same colour a lot in Squad and Mansion, and only really get her as the visitor in Battle.Since I've got a larger army than her, I'm getting further and further ahead of her because I battle her each time.Battle seems to largely be a numbers game.
At least Garden mixes it up a bit more for people in our situation.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:16:05
I only really take my 3DS with me if I'm going to be out and about for most of the day and then I'm usually guaranteed 3 or 4. I don't carry it on me if I'm just going to the local shops or to work. I can't say I've noticed a significant rise since relay was introduced.
In Battle I streetpassed a guy who had an army of 1,674,538 compared to my 33,960. I made the mistake early on of continually building my castle instead of my army.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:16:06
Found this thread, Have a homemade Streetpass Relay | -> The Free Independent Video Game Community: 3DS, NDS, Wii, GBA, PSP, Hacking, Dingoo, PS3, Xbox 360... . Would you consider this cheating ?
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:16:07
I'm happy to say that in the StreetPass Garden (Flower Town), once you get 20 different flowers in your journal, Mr Mendel (largely) shuts up.It's a shame you have to put up with his waffle prior to that though.It's still my favourite of the four games.A surprising amount of depth, but slow moving.But then again, the original two games were also like that.
Edit:Actually, it seems he doesn't shut up quite as much as I had first thought.But there doesn't seem to be quite so much waffle now.