Daft Ada Publish time 27-11-2019 03:03:39

Bravely Default - RPG goodness from SquareEnix

Has anyone else got this? I picked up two copies, one collector's edition (now going for £200 on eBay) and a regular one. Have to say I'm enjoying it immensely, a real return to form for Square-Enix after the hit-and-miss Final Fantasy's they're thrown out in recent years. The graphics are superb, and easily some of the best on the 3DS. The towns use a hand-drawn style which I think makes it stand out from recent RPGs, and the character and enemy art in battles look amazing. The music is brilliant too, I wish the whole soundtrack was available on iTunes or something because it's honestly one of the best I've ever heard!

I also like the StreetPass element - you basically have a town you can rebuild by hiring people you pass in the street. You can also summon friends to help out in a boss fight if you get stuck.

I hope the sequel doesn't take as long to reach the UK.

Krill Publish time 27-11-2019 03:03:41

It's one of the best games I've played in a while on the 3DS and I love the graphics and music. I was really tempted by the collectors edition but couldn't justify the £90 they wanted when i saw it but opted to buy a new Zelda 3DS XL and PS4 that month so was a bit strapped for cash then.

Kwman Publish time 27-11-2019 03:03:42

I think I'm gonna pick this up as I think its one of those games that won't go down in price that much

Dazimus Publish time 27-11-2019 03:03:43

Trying to decide between this and Etrian Odyssey 4....

Lama Publish time 27-11-2019 03:03:44

Yeah have the same decision. Having put a bit of time into both demos, I think I'll try Bravely first.

Krill Publish time 27-11-2019 03:03:45

I'm a bit further in this now and have unlocked some more job classes and am really enjoying it still. It does feel like a return to form by Square Enix with this and their RPG's.

nero0410 Publish time 27-11-2019 03:03:46

I have been playing the demo, and love it so far. I have the full game code that I bought from the game website as I couldn't find it in physically in stock.

The demo I have sunk around 4-5 hoursalone, I'm currently awaiting on my village to upgrade so I can get some better weapons for a boss I need to kill.

I have read somewhere that you can unlock some bonus's from playing the demo and they appear in the main game, just some potions and stuff like that to start you off or something and it also says something about being able to use the characters as 'friends' to help you out.

I think it's about the best game I have played so far since FFX, and the little village is a bonus and adds to the game.


Daft Ada Publish time 27-11-2019 03:03:47

I ploughed five hours into the demo too. You can transfer over items you get for completing the five quests in the demo, plus any villagers you accumulated in Norende (the streetpass side-quest).

This is far and away one of the best games I'v played in the last ten years. A must have for any 3DS owner out there.

nero0410 Publish time 27-11-2019 03:03:48

Just finished the demo, apparently I have got everything done now. Still only have 2 villagers, so I guess they will come over to my main game.

Downloading the main game now, bought it at the Game Website and you redeem the code via the eshop. Take about 2-3gb I think.

I have had a sneaky look at some video's of the main game, and it looks like it only gets better.

Never thought I'd be saying this, but this seems to be about the best game I have played since FFVII , and if it ends up having any summons in it a little like FFVII, I think it's actually going to be a game that is on par with it.

Those that haven't played it and like jrpgs and the like, download the demo, it's free and give's around 12-15 hours to get all the jobs mastered, village restored (this will take less time if you have friends with the demo too, or street pass I think), and is worth that little play through alone.


Lama Publish time 27-11-2019 03:03:49

For anyone thinking of buying and have yet to start the demo, there's a glitch in the demo that allows you to add 20 villagers which I think is the max you can transfer into the main game

Getting 20villagers in the demo without Streetpass. - Bravely Default Message Board for 3DS - GameFAQs
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