Pokemon Alpha Ruby & Omega Sapphire
What better way to distract people from your bad financial results than to announce a new(ish) Pokemon game!Not much to go on from this teaser trailer, but they do keep calling it a new adventure so maybe it's a bit more than a simple remake of Ruby/Sapphire. I'm in either way =D /proxy.php?image=http://i.imgur.com/jz4MPMB.jpg&hash=70d95347f22204ab9032787e46ac37fb
It'll be Ruby for me again this time. And Mudkip as my starter again  Overview trailer from Japan: Already pre-ordered Sapphire and can't wait  Seems a bit soon since X and Y, no? I'm more surprised that they're releasing these remakes before Pokemon Z. Easy money. Pokemon Z would have been easier to make though. They had to recreate Hoenn in the X&Y game engine, Z could have used the same environments from Kallos, with a few tweaks and extra areas. True but it means they can cash in twice 