Miss Mandy Publish time 27-11-2019 03:00:55

I'm really enjoying Y still and I've got alpha ruby on pre-order. I didn't play ruby or sapphire when they were first out so it'll essentially be a new game to me.
If you've not played Pokemon before I'd say get X or Y now as they'll be cheaper. As good as the new ones look, I'm not sure there's much benefit in spending the extra if its just to test the waters on whether you'll like Pokemon.

1iam5mith Publish time 27-11-2019 03:00:55

Ruby was amazing. If I get one of these (I most probably will) it'll be Alpha Ruby for sure!

I have Pokemon Y and liked that, but no new style Pokemon game comes close to the awesomeness of the old Gameboy games that used sprites!

nero0410 Publish time 27-11-2019 03:00:56

Still playing X and have no idea what I'm doing, though I have started on this one now too and hope to enter some online competitions to lose very badly 

I never played the original Ruby, so it made sense just to grab this one.

I found serebii a while ago and the pokemon wiki, so I'm reading up stuff with them.

Does anyone know how to tell where on earth I get my pokemon from in X and this one?
(ie wonder trade, trading etc....)
As it's not allowed to use some in online competitions, and I do a lot of 'wonder trading' to pass time, I find it quite nice to have a gamble and see if I get something I like the look of etc.... 
What if I wanted to use one that I hatched from an egg, but one of the pokemon I bred with was a wonder trade?
So confusing.


nero0410 Publish time 27-11-2019 03:00:56

Just preparing for the Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire event, it'll be my first online event.... and my daughter's 
I have ruby and my daughter has sapphire.

I just remembered about the Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - Darkrai Event in Game stores, so I gave them a call and asked if they can give me two codes, one for me and one for my daughter but he said that we'd both have to go down to the store as it's only one per customer and he can't give any out over the phone.

Edit: *snip
The old dot went into town today and managed to pick code up for me and my daughter, didn't think she was going till next week.... she also picked me up a Link Amiibo 

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