Super Mario 3D Land
I could not find a thread for this? - why not  no one excited by this  awesome, and great reviews, my nephew is so eager to play this on friday launch day. Are you sure it's just your nephew that's eager? 
What puts me off is that according to a few reviews, it can be completed in 4 hours! Still tempted though... sure i will be trying it, and maybe give it back 
4hrs could be a problem, personally i only spend a small time playing games, so they last longer!!  got New Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Batman Asylum, and many many more on xbox360/Wii, still to complete  Got it yesterday from Shopto, it's awesome!!!! I can't believe how good it is. This is what 3d games should be like. i read today collecting the star coins would take a seasoned player 11hrs (not sure of exact figure, look in the new nintendo magazine review)
so someone like me about 40hrs  I've preordered it from Gamecollection who right at this min status is still saying be dispatched when released from manufacturer //
that 4 hour complete time doesn't sound too promising id been tempted wait if knew beforehand but i suppose least theres the stars to aim for too get some more gaming out of it  Yep, me too lol , my kids can complete games pretty quickly but it takes me ages sometimes. I was playing windwaker for months! Probably a combination of not much time and not being very good.
Just finished deus ex and am now working through arkham city so might need some light relief after those two! Picking this up today, I'll finally blow the dust off my 3DS.The short play through is always the case with a Mario game but we all know it opens up after that and there are harder levels to play. Really enjoying it. Yeah it's good i went and bought a 3DS and mario yesterday, Must admit the 3D is weird at first but get used to it within an hour and is pretty cool.
Resi Evil nxt for me.