rbj Publish time 27-11-2019 03:00:02

Completed it, what a game!!! The end credits came up but there are more levels now.

addyb Publish time 27-11-2019 03:00:03

Got home at tea time earlier and the wife had bought me a 3DS with this game. Only got chance to play it earlier but finished world 1. Fantastic game so far. Roll on mariokart!

Sanders79 Publish time 27-11-2019 03:00:04


addyb Publish time 27-11-2019 03:00:05

Well up to world 8 now and hate to say it but im not overly impressed with this. Now let me start by saying im a huge Mario fan. Ive played every single platform game from super Mario bros on the NES to Mario galaxy 2 (currently playing this again) and really enjoyed them all but im finding this a tad dull. The initial wow factor of the 3D soon wore off and just think the majority of the levels are uninspired and feel a bit rushed to me. Dont get me wrong its an ok game but for me its the worst Mario game ive played.

Hopefully the game will improve when I have to go through it again but at present I think new super Mario bros for the ds is far better.

PocketOperator Publish time 27-11-2019 03:00:06

Yeah, I know what you mean addy. It seems like it's just a hand held version Super Mario Galaxy. I've stopped playing this in favour of MK7 and Zen Pinball (great eShop game, everyone get it NOW!) and the 3D for all games is starting to become boring/annoying for me now. It's either very gimmicky and relies on things popping out at you (something which the majority of 3D films rely on) or every time you move the console slightly just through general gameplay, then the 3D effect starts flicking from side to side and becomes a hindrance.

Unless you're prepared to stay in exactly the same position and completely still while you're playing a game, then the 3D doesn't work properly. Don't get me wrong, I love the 3DS in general but I think the 3D is just a massive gimmick and quickly becomes repetitive.

Sorry for going OT there.

addyb Publish time 27-11-2019 03:00:07

Thing is I dont even think its in the same league to be even called a handheld Mario galaxy. To me its more like a stripped down version of Super Mario 3 in 3D. Im playing galaxy 2 at the moment and its amazing the different ideas it has. With marioland 3D its almost as if the devs have concentrated too much on the 3D aspect and not added enough creativity into the actual gameplay. I just found myself bored playing it. Total lack of secrets, bonus games etc and think that tanooki suit is well over used.

Final moan is that its far too easy. Yes I know in general Mario games are easy but this really is easy.

Like I mentioned I think its an ok game and compared with other 3DS games its very good but cant help feel that if this was released later in the handhelds life it woukd get a mucj lower score.

WolfCarnage77 Publish time 27-11-2019 03:00:08

Great little worlds, easily one of the best Marios yet. I can't put it down at the minute. Could be a bit harder though.

ursine benn Publish time 27-11-2019 03:00:09

I have to agree, amazing game, could harder but the end battle satisfied. I'm not trading it in because I'm holding out that there will be some DLC that will add some extra content.

ursine benn Publish time 27-11-2019 03:00:10

You are aware that you can turn it off aren't you?

RottenFox Publish time 27-11-2019 03:00:11

Or even learn to hold the console relatively still...
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