Super Mario Run coming to iOS
Just announced at the Apple event and already has a spot in the AppStore with a video.
SUPER MARIO RUN by Nintendo Co., Ltd. Can't wait - Holidays 2016 and fixed price. I hope we get Super Luigi Run a few months down the line  It uses the 3D touch aspect of the iPhone display to determine jump height, so I imagine this may be one of the reasons it isn't launching on Android... yet. I'm sure it'll appear at some point, not letting a huge chunk of the mobile market have access to the game would be disastrous for them. Depends a bit on the deal Apple gave them I expect ....... Seems we've got a bit of a wait for this one That's only 3 months? 3 months is ages when your waiting Lol If you start wishing/thinking about playing Zelda Breath of the Wild, then suddenly 3 months doesn't seem that long :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 I think I've even given up on waiting for that at the moment Lol, WiiU's just a front room decoration.