SNES mini this year? Here we go again!
SNES Mini to be released this year! Want! I will buy 10 of them, wait for a bit, sell them on eBay / to CEX AND BE RICH !!!! MURAHAHAHAI would LOVE one of these. I really want one of these I will be pre-ordering from every retailer to make sure i get one! (And then keep 1 mint in box for future me haha).
I have a boxed NES mini that hasn't seen that much action and I can't believe the price on CEX now - still it's not for sale. Hmm, I did really love the 16-bit consoles but it would depend on the included games (and whether there is the capability to add more or not).For the cost of a Pi Zero and a controller, you could potentially have as many SNES (and Megadrive, NES, PC Engine etc) games as you like in a tiny package. True, but would it LOOK like a SNES ?? But smaller ??  What are the chances of them releasing this on Switch store as software ? As a bundle, none whatsoever as they can sell you games individually at a much better markup. If you think trying to get a NES one was bad.....