Anyone with Twitter help me put by retweeting the below to put pressure on Microsoft to enable CEC on HDMI on xbox’sThanks in advance
Hojuuk on Twitter Huh? It works fine on mine? Nope
Controls over IR blaster but not HDMI
So my Xbox does not switch HDMI input on my soundbar when turned on  Have you set it up in the power options menu?
https://www.avforums.com/attachments/img_3801-jpg.958983/ That’s to control power (uses ir blaster on Xbox not CEC)
No option on that to change an input
If I say turn on my sky box that changes to the correct HDMI input as it uses HDMI CEC
Even my fire stick can do it... Ah right yeah, I see what you mean. I thought it changes the source on my TV but just checked and it only turns it on.
Poor show really... Yep even basic streaming sticks do CEC nowadays but a £450 console can’t
Poor form on what must be a basic service to enable as it’s part of the HDMI standard the console uses There’s a section of the XBox website where functionality requests can be posted and people vote on them. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is already on there Yep years ago I think
Over 4000 votes but nowt from Microsoft I agree. Without question, this should have been enabled from the outset. However I don’t believe they will enable it now