Publish time 27-11-2019 02:16:44
No, you're just not 'normal' 
But seriously - over 1 thousand people vs 1 - which opinion is more likely to be nearer accurate? If you polled 1 thousand people and they all said "look before you just over that wall" and some guy came up and said "I'd just jump over mate" - who would you listen to?
Edit - my time is 15 hours.
And more comments regarding length.
How many hours was your first playthrough? - Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Message Board for PlayStation 4 - GameFAQs
I'll leave it there, seems you're in a minority - or maybe you just rush through games and skip cut scenes?
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:16:44
I skipped the scenes 2nd time around when I done the speed run trophy but thoroughly enjoyed the game. Not tried the DLC yet though which I will.
Some people just prefer playing game with their mates so SP games do not appeal. As an example, my play time of Uncharted 4 must be around 30 hours but my PUBG time is at over 3 weeks 
Now look at the value for money prospect. MP games tend to be better in that respect and if you consider that most of the best MP games are cross platform then you may as well buy the X as its "the most powerful console IN THE WORLD" 
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:16:44
I would have taken a Pro over an X without question but I've played on a couple of them and the noise of it is insane. So I got an X instead.
Games wise, Sony is way ahead but they make crap quality hardware.
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:16:44
funny im thinking about getting a one X on top of my current pro.... the pro is certainly not silent and when that fan kicks in (esp when hdr games take hold) it easily rivals my original x 360...
that said im waiting on a E3 announcement.... i sorely want crackdown 3 but right now it feels like its never gonna get a release.
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:16:45
Well (as I said before) U4 also has online and PS4 has H1Z1 which seems on a par with PUBG so...
Also, I don't play online - I'm sick and tired of having my backside handed to me by some 10 year old who does nothing but play games!  It just takes too long to become half-decent at online games and then a lapse in playing and you're back to 'behind everyone'.
Point is OP specifically stated they wanted GoW - which is a SP game, so if you want the best SP experience it's PS4 over XBO without a shadow of a doubt. With the online aspect it's pretty much a can argue XBO may have a better service (I've never had issues with PSN), but essentially there's less between the two than the SP differences.
I totally get why people love Xbox - the X in particular, but with it's lack of true exclusives I can see exactly why OP is considering the swap.
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:16:45
agreed on SP over online.... i love a good story campaign and its no fun running into an area getting shot in the back, cautiously approaching same area and getting shot in the back, decide to try a different area and getting shot in the back.... rinse repeat for me...
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:16:45
I don't use plug and play, I just rotate my rechargeable AA batteries.
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:16:45
I prefer single player games as well providing they have a good story, and as it stands the PS4 is the best with the choice of games it has.
I do like a good mp game as well but getting time like stated above to group up is not always possible, saying that I do enjoy Battlefield games as its easy to play that with randoms.
I think in terms of performance they are very much on par despite the spec differences, I really struggle to see the differences the X has over the Pro.
Online services are just as good as each other when it comes to reliability, personal experience so may differ for others, but PSN has improved greatly since being a paid service.
Exclusive games, PS4 is just leaps and bounds ahead of Xbox, Xbox need to pull their finger out because its not good seeing just one platform dominating, we need console competition to help drive each platform to out do each other.
Having both consoles I play all multiplats on X, but if I could only have one console it would PS4 all day long as it currently stands.
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:16:46
I went the other way... Pro to X and don't regret it.. I rarely played the PS exclusives so I took the improved performance and better controller over the Pro. I ended up falling in love with Forza and can't wait for 4. All other games I have are multi-plat but in all honesty since I got a Switch the XBOX has collected dust other than the odd game of FIFA and Forza.
Horizon Zero Dawn is my biggest PS4 miss but Zelda fills the void and has so much more depth. HZD is unique and looks great but for gameplay I prefer Zelda.
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:16:46
uncharted 4 took me 14.5 hours