Publish time 27-11-2019 01:10:21
Then I don't really have a clue then...is the AV unit metal or wood?
Publish time 27-11-2019 01:10:21
Wooden sides, metal frame and glass shelves.I would have thought if the unit was affecting the wifi signal, then it would also cause problems when the PS4 is in rest mode .I'll try the PS4 downstairs in the same room as my router and see if problems still occur, otherwise I'm stumped as to what to do next tbh.
Thanks for your input, much appreciated.
Publish time 27-11-2019 01:10:22
my rouer is upstairs i have a 50meg connection yet use my laptop down stairs and get 20meg on that and my ps4 which is in the bottom shelf of my av cabinet gets 3meg. hence i spent the time putting in wired ethernet so 50meg evey room
King Tones
Publish time 27-11-2019 01:10:23
Very Clever Spamming fella !
Publish time 27-11-2019 01:10:24
OK so I bought PS4 downstairs to test it out in the same room as my router.As expected I was getting near maximum speed.I then ran the setup wifi again and returned my console upstairs where I normally use it.To my amazement download seed is now back to normal (around 15mbps) which is excellent for my broadband speed.
So i don't know what happened but it seems to be fine now.Any ideas what made it suddenly work?
Publish time 27-11-2019 01:10:25
Maybe your PS4 just needed to come out of its room & get some exercise? 
Publish time 27-11-2019 01:10:26
I take it back, back to 130kbps now, what a POS 
Publish time 27-11-2019 01:10:27
And what speed back in the router room?
Publish time 27-11-2019 01:10:28
In the router room I get around 17mbps, which is as fast as I can expect.I just can't work out what is going on with the PS4.I've got an Xbox one as well and that's gets around 16mbps upstairs which is great for me.With the PS4, if I run the Internet test, half the time the IP address fails, or it can find my wifi network at all.I'm thinking that the PS4 is very poor at picking up my wifi, but then why does it download perfectly in rest mode?
Edit: Just ordered a couple of powerline adapters to see if they help.
Publish time 27-11-2019 01:10:29
You have't set your PS4 up correctly, your modem/router might be using QOS.....
Port Fordarding, UPnP, DMZ, Open Nat(Nat 2! Nat 1 only is when you only use a modem)
If you haven't set your connection up right you will get this problem. I have 100 Mb and get 85-97 on the test. Don't expect 100%, 80-90% is possible though. Everyone as a different setup at home. So you might have it setup so everybody get a 10% each max so nobody has slow speeds. It could but anything though. Main point is, setup correctly and no problems!
Thats the biggest problem with online gaming, most don't know how to setup there connection. They think its just plug and play, of course it will work but not to its full potential.
The other problem is the network might be having problems, so use the ingame browser
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