Publish time 27-11-2019 01:10:13
Ps4 pro shows no change, oddly I've found with ps4 standard & pro that the speeds fluctuate a lot if you run speed test say 3 times in a row one after the other?! It's really bizarre... I find with downloads also they get off to a flying start and then tend to drip down but when you redo the speed test it picks back up speed again!? Anyone else get this? I'm on BT infinity 2 btw
Publish time 27-11-2019 01:10:14
For me, just up and down. Checked it on the PS4 Pro and it was around 50meg which is fairly accurate compared to Speednet
Publish time 27-11-2019 01:10:15
Yeah I always get way lower download speed readings when running a test on PS4 than I do when doing a test with my laptop. I've been told to try a speed test using the PS4's web browser for a more accurate reading, although I haven't got round to trying that myself yet.
Publish time 27-11-2019 01:10:16
Can anyone explain to me why is it that when I download anything in rest mode it downloads around 200 times faster than when the console is on?For example downloading the latest firmwhere said it would take 10 hours (on my 18meg service), but when I put my PS4 into rest mode it took a couple of mins max .
I know the speed test is not accurate but my test values are ranging from a high of 800kps to a low of 33kps .
I cant even access the store now without waiting 10 mins for it to load.Any idea what's going on?I'm using wifi by the way.
Publish time 27-11-2019 01:10:17
Is anyone else using the internet connection?
Publish time 27-11-2019 01:10:18
No, just me.I've tried rebooting my router, checked all my settings on PS4 but still get no joy.Signal strength is around 65-75%.
Publish time 27-11-2019 01:10:18
i have wired ethernet for everything and my ps4 gives exactly the same speed test result as everything else in the house. now when i use wifi the results vary which is becuse of signal strength
Publish time 27-11-2019 01:10:19
I can't understand it, it's always been fairly good and stable with wifi, it's only been the last couple of weeks it's been rubbish.The only thing I've changed in that time is my AV unit, but I don't think that would be the problem.
Publish time 27-11-2019 01:10:19
Maybe the AV unit is somehow causing interference with the Wi-Fi on the PS4? I assume it's off when the PS4 is on standby?
Maybe try testing connecting the PS4 directly to your TV (so you can have the AV unit off) & seeing how long a download takes then. If download speed is back to normal speed, then you know it might be the AV unit causing the problem.
Publish time 27-11-2019 01:10:20
Sorry, when I said AV unit I meant the actual stand all my equipment is on.