Buggy And Unfinished Games!
Why can't games developers, for once, bring out games that aren't buggy and that are actually finished? Case in point Just Cause 4! I think it's down to two things, money and the internet.The money (budget) only goes so far and once it's gone they need to recoup some back. We now have a culture of pre-order and play the "beta" which isn't a beta at all and get these in-game items. This trickles some cash back in and they can focus on any major (game breaking) bugs.
The internet allows them to bug fix after the full release, why pay staff months of wages for bug testing and fixing when they can release it broken and fix it later when the bank balance is in profit.
I myself won't be buying any newly released games again for the foreseeable future. In the last month I have held back on £150(ish) worth of new games because of this. The only game I am even considering is Cyberpunk but all developers have now lost my goodwill.
I am happy to wait years for the complete gold edition of games with all the fixes included.
NB: I will probably buy something next week because I'm a hypocrite.  Yea, really the only game I'm considering is Cyberpunk. But even that we've only seen developer videos at E3 etc, lol it could be a pile of sh*t when it comes out!  But seriously, I'm not spending anywhere near the amount I have in the past on games any more due to this! this generation has taught me to stop buying games at launch because if you wait you get a better cheaper game. i havent brought a single game thats been released in 2018 Once the launch window of any console generation is over and the games start flowing, there isn't a need to buy games on release, maybe multiplayer games where higher numbers are playing around release, but if people aren't playing a few months later, you've probably wasted your money on it anyway.
Clearly the big games, such as red dead, fifa, will tempt people from day one, but a month later these can be picked up less than £40 with first patches released. Anyone with any kind of back catalogue can afford to wait a few weeks..
For a patient gamer like me, I pick up games in sales or via PS , by this time the game is stable or you know its a duffer and can avoid full stop. But it's a viscous cycle, as some devs will see there hard work being reduced to the bargain bin too quickly and will stop them taking risks, look at this months On Rush PSgame, only released a few months ago.
Its a strange gen, it can be the most expensive or cheapest era for gaming depending on your attitude to when and where to buy your games. Digital specials on release day are upwards of £100, a few months later (sometimes weeks), standard versions can be in the bargain bin with majority of problems fixed..
The downside for me is I have kids who want the latest shiny when they see the adverts for them. And this is where hype, pre order and all that hulabaloo kicks in. The industry is geared to sell the latest and greatest while the hype is real, as soon as gamers switch habits to wait and see, release day quality will change.
On the flipside, it does seem that some games this year have been great out of the traps, eg, RDR2, Spiderman, God of War, etc. Basically the big single player games tend to fair well, it seems its more often the online games that release with lack of content and bugs too early. The games as a service things really needs to step up its game..