GAME To Sell In WHSmith.
GAME to open concessions in WHSmithOh great. Actually it makes sense as both shops sell overpriced games anyway! I haven't shopped in WH Smiths since the tried charging me £1.10 for a can of coke. WH Smith stores resemble jumble sales these days with all sorts of stuff piled up all over the place. Haven't shopped in GAME for about two years. GAME the only store where prices on website and instore do not match up. Maybe they'll charge even more when they setup the unit in Smithies Two shops that are not likely to see out this decade. Problem is, the high street is so expensive to be part of nowadays that a few companies may be forced into this sort of arrangement. I personally can’t see it helping much really, as presumably they’re still paying WHS a certain amount of money, and/or maybe a percentage of sales (I don’t know how concessions work), so what are they saving? Even if there’s a bit of a saving, they’ve still got to sell full price to make profit and pay WHS. if I was Game, I’d become purely based online, and set up in cheap premises out of town - I can’t see too many gamers actually visiting stores to buy games, and some of it is download based nowadays anyway. I think software retail (be it games, CDs, Bluray etc) is inevitably going to be all online one day. WH Smiths have had this arrangement with various companies going back to the last decade, used to be Modelzone and I know the one in Reading has let out space to a tech company. As far as how I understand it, a concession works in a simple, Company A rents out a certain square footage to Company B. Both companies will benefit, I think Smiths are aware that print media (newspapers and magazines) are a dying market, so they are moving to find alternative revenue streams. That being said, food and stationery are well overpriced, but the books and giftware have always been competitive. waterstones is the same they are not interested in price matching their own website but if you click and collect, you can get it at the same;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 ( they are over priced)
unless Game (online) have a sale on or have a new game on discount, i rarely them. With online retailers doing digital downloads like this
Steam Key CLEARANCE Sale - Grab some bargains in our CD Key BARGAIN sale!
Also physical retailers doing secondhand and new like CEX, I too see their days as WHS & Games as doomed. I don't need a magazine to tell me what's available or a physical store, I can find out in minutes online. No parking charge, no fuel cost, less time and or bus ticket charge. like HMV, Game was once a great store. in the earily 2000s they uses to allow you to buy a game & if you didnt like it, return it for exchange or refund.a few times i was able to completed a game and was get a full refund.  ... to be fair, they did allow me to get a refund on some terrible games which i bought on day 1, without checking reviews.