Member 769353 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:42:53

And now you know why they probably don’t allow it any more! 
I thought that was the whole point of demos? The problem is, any returned game is no longer new, so after having restocked the game you bought, they now have an extra one that they have to sell at a reduced price (drastically reduced profit). If you get numerous people do this with the same game, they’re selling at reduced profit rather than selling new ones. Extrapolate they over many games, and the problem is compounded, and gives a little insight as to why it’s tricky to be a bricks and mortar store on the high street. That’s only part of the problem. Back when more people were buying from stores, it was less of an issue as more revenue was coming in, but nowadays it’s a problem. Online selling laws make it even harder for places like this, as they just allow what you’ve described legally! its not easy...

JabbaNut Publish time 26-11-2019 22:42:53

To me that's the reason for Demos as you say.

Try the game and test your hardware ( more to PC than console )
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