theninjagecko Publish time 26-11-2019 22:40:23

Because wasting a ton of money will help wont it.

shoestring25 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:40:25

yes i would rather a 10 hour linear game with a great story than a 30 hour padded out open world game full of fetch quests.

i had a very simlar thing happen to me after ps1 just didnt have the time or the desire to game i didnt get back into gaming till mid ps3 life cycle. the games will still be there if you get back into gaming then you will have loads of choice and you can just chery pick the best of the best

IL Cattivo Publish time 26-11-2019 22:40:26

Been through this myself.

Was always playing games like COD, FIFA, PES, Madden & absolutely loved games like Criminal Origins, Bioshock & Deep Space on the XBOX360.

Then I met my wife, we started a family and completely lost the love for it and even the urge to play. I mean I would literally put the disc in, the menu would come up and I'd just sit there staring at the screen bored before I even started playing! The console was sold not long after..

Was console & completely game less for 6-7 years until a couple of weeks ago when I invested in a XB1-X, primarily for 4K Blu-Rays, and now I find myself playing FIFA 18 & ROTTR pretty much every other evening.

BigStu1972 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:40:26

This is exactly me

raduv1 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:40:28

Pretty much myself atm Alhough I've at least 4 games that I have not even taken the sleeve off the case . I do have other interests now that fill my time and my core gaming has narrowed to just story based single player over the last few years . Don't really want to get rid of the Pro, One X but if I do start up again I've got some major updates to install .

Davidc7230 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:40:29

I am currently going through a similar funk. I cannot get into anything, not even bought a new game this year so far. I used to come home from work and spend my evenings gaming as a sort of destresser. But now I come home around 10pm and mong out on youtube or netflix.

Before this, my interest used to ebb and flow. I would go through spells of not playing after overindulging in gaming, but it always came back. Lately however I can't even get into the RTS games I grew up on loving.
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