Lost my love of gaming
Don't know why this is TBH . Have a PS Pro , PS VR and Xbox One X but have not turned any of them on once this year for anything let alone gaming . Got a couple of games for Christmas but not unwrapped them let alone play them. Maybe the right time to sell all and forget ? Dunno really what to do but move on. You obviously are needing to move into the world of pc gaming.  Is it lack of time?Anything stressing you out that would make you turn away from games?If it's neither and the situation doesn't look like changing, it might be worth seeing if you want the cash.Otherwise, no harm in keeping it until you feel differently. I’m in a similar boat, but for me it’s not the lack of wanting to play, it’s the lack of time, then if I do get a spare hour, I’ll feel guilty for “wasting” my time instead of doing useful stuff around the house or garden. We all go through it. I was an avid gamer for years, clanned up and played in various leagues across a variety of games (mainly PC), then I had kids and pretty much stopped playing for the best part of 10 years, apart from the odd couple of hours here and there every few weeks. Now my kids are teenagers and I find myself playing online with them several times a week. It’s a brilliant feeling playing something like PUBG with your own kids against everyone else, particularly when it all comes together! So I would say accept that you may drift away, but in time you will probably come back to it. Keep hold of your kit and games, we all like a bit of nostalgia now and again. Although I don't have the latest Gen Games console I totally fell out of love with gaming a couple of years ago. I probably spent more hours on my 360 than any other console and then I just bored with it all.
For me it must have been largely due to starting a family and just feeling tired in the evening. when my wife goes to bed I'd rather veg in front of the TV than have to concentrate on gaming.
That said, I have started playing old PC games again. I just find them more engrossing. It is probably that I lost my love for anything online and MP based a few years back and only focussed on the more linear story driven games only .Not even to keen on to much of an open world if it's to large as it can take to much time to complete . As for time and to some extent other interests have taken a lot of that time .
It is a little weird though as when I do have time I do not have that itch . Keep toying with getting GOW as I would of been all over it in the past . Last game I played to completion was Lost Legacy and loved it , then I'm sort of left deflated after finishing it knowing there is not another game like this coming .
Shall soldier on though because TLoU 2 will come eventually . Open World killed so many games for me.
Take Burnout, which imo reached it peak with Burnout 2. Then they did open world and I totally lost interest. I want specific race tracks where there are only one way you can go. I haven't got time to learn the open world maps and work out short cuts etc. Same. I buy game guides more now so that I can focus on the core aspects of the game. I don't have the patience to wander around any more. Have you tried PC gaming?