Kailash Publish time 26-11-2019 22:37:00


does anyone appreciate their Pinball?
i got to play this at the weekend, the hobbit machine
great with the big LCD screen, lots going on(that you dont get to see )
beautiful piece of hardwear
anyone played it?

i'm no expert or anything but have always appreciated pinball
if i was loaded i'd buy this for sure 

The Hobbit (2 version options) - Pinball Heaven


odd1ne Publish time 26-11-2019 22:37:01

Not seen any pinball tables in years I used to love pinball going to show my age but there used to be a huge shop in Birmingham called tower records and they had a couple of pinball tables and dad used to give me a couple of quid to play on them so he could look at this CDs in peace  I used to love that shop

pbb76 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:37:02

Having got Pinball FX3 (and to a lesser degree, Stern) on the Switch, I'm LOVING Pinball! I would absolutely love a machine of my own (in fact, we literally just browsing on ebay!) - but lack of room and funds puts pay to that.

I'm definitely going to be looking out for a pinball arcade to visit some time soon though.

Kailash Publish time 26-11-2019 22:37:02

i've watched a few 'how its made' videos, they really are a work of art, just so nice to look at

i'll be getting Nintendo Switch at some point this year, is that a download game i believe? hows it controlled

pbb76 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:37:03

Yes, its free to download and includes 1 free table. All the other tables (think there are close to 30 at the moment) can be bought in multipacks (i.e. there is a "Universal Studios" pack, which is ET, Back to the Future and Jaws).

The tables in FX3 are all custom built - some licensed, some original. The Stern Arcade Pinball game is also free with 1 table included. The tables in that game are all recreations of real life arcade tables though and are a fair bit more expensive to buy.

I would say overall FX3 is the better game. There is a LOT more going on - the tables are more fun as they include some more video-gamey elements in the minigames that wouldnt be possible on real tables, plus it has a lot more content in terms of stuff like leaderboards, online play (asyncronous), leagues/divisions, tournaments and some RPG like elements where you earn XP and can 'level up' tables to get better bonuses.

Stern is very much a dry simulation of the tables without practically any of the bells and whistles above and feels a bit flat after playing FX3.

There probably is room in a collection for both games and as they are free anyways, worth trying them out.

Both games control the same way;

Left/Right Triggers = Flippers
A button = Action/launch
Left Stick = Nudge
Right Stick = plunger

Oh another thing FX3 has over Stern is the ability to flip the camera vertically so you can hold the Switch long ways and fit more of the table on. You can even disconnect one joycon and just use the remaining one attached at the bottom, but I found the controls too tight to use like that.

You can use touch screen on FX3 too.

Kailash Publish time 26-11-2019 22:37:03

nice , think i'll be getting that then.

martialguedro Publish time 26-11-2019 22:37:04

The only one pinball I've everplay is the one on windows95. 

Bepster00 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:37:05

Pinball Arcade is my favourite on iOS and Steam.

Loads of the classic Williams tables, very accurate, good ball physics.

My personal faves, both real and electronic are:
Medieval Madness

Still waiting to get a good condition Earthshaker table at a reasonable price!

p3x289 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:37:06

i have Pro Pinball : Timeshock, one of the best I have played on the PC. Have had a few in my time but this was the best and difficult too.
If you haven't played it, would thoroughly recommend to try it. There is an ultra version of this out now.
Pro Pinball

ozzzy189 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:37:07

Guys, great thread. I love pinball and would love an iron maiden at some pointPinball arcade was OK but a bit roughI didn't like the physics or nudging of the zen games however they have now got the licences for all of the Williams and Bally tables to add into their fx3 game ! There's a few YouTube videos of the first pack, medieval madnessjunkyard, fish tales and the getaway: high speed 2.
It looks incredible and people are saying it's as close to real pinball as possible with digital! I'm buying em all!
Please post where you've seen new pinball tables and any others that are in playable condition. The last decent one I played was a pirates of the carribean in Skegness, pier arcade . They had an Addams family too but it wasn't worth playing.
Sorry for the punctuation but I press comma etc twice and it decides to add one when it feels like itI've always had this problem on the avf site no matter what phone I have.
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