most recent was a star wars machine, i can't remember which one but it was a modern design with the screen up top.
hmm, just glanced over at my blade runner 2049 bluray, now that would make a nice pinball Would kill for this:
Star Trek Next Generation Pinball Machine For Sale UK Monthly payments... Better than buying a car! Needs the colour DMD and an LED upgrade, probably be cheaper to source one from TNT and have it shipped across the pond.
As for Zen and the Bally/WMS licence, I'm really happy they've been picked up and hopefully we'll see some of the tables that Farsight didn't get around to making.However, I've never been a fan of Zen but will cut them some slack if they can get the physics right. I’d agree if I understood anything of what you just;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 Todd T is as daft as a brush but TNT Amusements work is very good and I've played on a few of their reconditioned tables.
This youtube vid is not starting at the beginning in Chrome for some reason. Sorry. Had a nice pinball-playing weekend. 
Played with Big Buck Hunter and Whoa Nellie in TPA.Not my kind of thing, so won't be buying them.Our American cousins will lap it up I'm sure.
Found my copy of Big Race USA on disc from 1998 and tried to get it to play under Win 10 with the v1.18 patch, it installed OK but it's really buggy.It'll require some work I think.....argghhhh, why is it not available on Steam??
Watched Dead_Flip on Twitch.He was at the Vancouver flipout.
And finally played some Space Shuttle, which is my current favourite table on TPA. DMD - Dot matrix display. These are on most pins from the early 90's until more recently. Its the orangey coloured screens on the backbox used to display scores etc. You can now get colour replacement screens for them. The LED upgrade is to replace the old incandescent bulbs in tables with longer lasting LED's.
I love pinball. I used to repair them as a field tech back in the 90's and I have liked them ever since. Would love my own table but pinflation has made them stupidly expensive now.
I have a couple of places near me that I can play the real thing, Electric Circus in Birmingham is great, he usually has around 30 tables up and running and all on freeplay. There is also Tilt in Birmingham too, it's a cafe bar with quite a few tables and a good mix of classics and new stuff, it can get expensive as they are pay to play (and there is craft beer to buy as well) but it's a great venue.
I am planning on building a mini digital table in the future, not as good as the real thing but I think it will be a fun project.