Rocinate Publish time 26-11-2019 22:34:34

Light is your friend, that's what my optician tells me!

Liftplus Publish time 26-11-2019 22:34:35

Dont play in darkness and get a good monitor/TV. If you're playing on windows 10, try enabling "Night mode" it reduces blue light emission (the downside of it is youll loose some colours).

Derek S-H Publish time 26-11-2019 22:34:36

Can I just ask about this please?

1. Which size did you get?
2. How many strips?
3. How easy is it to set it all up?
4. And most importantly, do the strips actually stay stuck down?

I have a 65" OLED and I'm still not sure about this as, apparently, it works better with LCD/LED.


GhostRider17 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:34:37

Sure no problem.

I'm pretty sure I got the 38cm (2 strips) for my 42" downstairs and the 23" also for a 43" upstairs and to be honest there wasn't much noticeable difference between the two as the light that comes off is a good strength. The tv upstairs though is MUCH closer to the wall so take that into account. I would go for the larger size if you have a bigger tv.

It's extremely easy to set it all up,a very tidy kit and nothing like the cheap and nasty stick on strips you get. The LED lights are encased in a nice tidy tube that has a USB connector on the end. The strips use the 3m style stick on foam but mine seemed to come off after a few months. In the end I just used a hot glue gun which secured them more,not too hot of course as I didn't want to damage the tv.

Here's an actual pic of my tv downstairs while gaming at night,the lights go MUCH brighter than that but I use the lowest 3 settings. I placed mine in kind of a / \ shape at the top back of the tv but angled up more. For the money I would 100% recommend them. I've had no eyestrain since installing them and I can game for hours.


Derek S-H Publish time 26-11-2019 22:34:37

Thanks very much for taking the time to reply so fully and in such detail, much appreciated.

They are much more expensive than the ubiquitous cheapie types, but I guess you get what you pay for. It looks like 2 x 61 cm should be suitable for a 65" TV, especially if there are adjustable levels of brightness.

And I even looked up hot glue guns too!


Harry Hendel Publish time 26-11-2019 22:34:38

Computer or screen glasses are designed to block out the blue hues emitted by your monitors. They essentially apply the Night Shift feature on iPhones to real life. This helps drammaticaly and is good for your general health. Hope this helps!

paulgreenwoodlad Publish time 26-11-2019 22:34:38

I only get this when I'm playing slots or poker online for example. Usually ok on things like FIFA on the PS4, maybe because there's more eye movement required? iPhone screens are carnage in a dark room!! The tip above about night shift mode is a good one.

jonathanrace Publish time 26-11-2019 22:34:38

Keep the screen as dark as possibletake frequent breaks to look away from the screen (preferably with objects at a different distance.)Consider getting an eye check. If you are short/far-sighted and not wearing lenses to correct this then it puts extra strain on your eyes. You might not need glasses for day to day things but they can help with prolonged activities where you are focusing your eyes (reading, computer screens etc)

GhostRider17 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:34:39

No problem at all. Sorry for the (very) late reply but let me know how you get on if you decided to get the lights 
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