tim68 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:28:50

I think a lot of publishers today generate a lot more money through micro-transactions than actual game sales, some take the mickey more than others if you look at the fallout from the release of Star Wars: Battlefront 2 with their "pay to win" fiasco being a prime example of pure greed.

GMC79 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:28:50

Think they are a good price these days, as said above they were more expensive 20yrs ago. And think of the amount of work that goes into a modern game, it's astonishing.

MarkyPancake Publish time 26-11-2019 22:28:51

I feel like I get value for money for the amount of time I'll play a game, as I mainly play multiplayer titles for long periods of time, but I don't agree with them charging full price for releasing unfinished products that require multiple post-launch patches to get to a release state. Makes a mockery of a title going gold nowadays.

TheWalkingDave Publish time 26-11-2019 22:28:51

Looking back, it's funny how games say Ducktales on the NES, which had like an hour gametime from start to finish probably had a £50 price tag compared to games such as Skyrim or RDR2

Apsilon Publish time 26-11-2019 22:28:51

I still remember buying 3D Monster Maze and being blown away. I also remember going to Boots to look at the latest games for the Speccy and C64. Didn't Mastertronic use to do games for £1.99? They were the budget range.

I vaguely remember Daley Thompson's Decathlon was £7.99 and Hypersports was £9.99 because it came in a plastic video type case and not a traditional cassette case. The chariots of fire music was cool as **** too.

They were happy days.

JabbaNut Publish time 26-11-2019 22:28:51

Yes was some great games in the £1.99 range, fond memories indeed 

One favorite games was a breakout clone, given away on magazine, the game was called Batty

Played it for hours

I looked them up

Mastertronic History

jonathanrace Publish time 26-11-2019 22:28:51

I buy most of mine 2nd hand so I wouldn't know... 

That being said, just be lucky you don't import them. I picked up a new copy of Final Fantasy X for the PS4 from Japan and ended up paying close to £70 (including import tax) for a remastered game that has been out a while.

noone is here Publish time 26-11-2019 22:28:52

Currently I eager to buy Darkest Dungeon, but it's too expensive for me. PC version costs 25$ and that is a sum I spend per week for living. Just 'buy a game and forget about eating for 7 days'.

JabbaNut Publish time 26-11-2019 22:28:52

You might want to check into this site?

Darkest Dungeon Steam Key GLOBAL - G2A.COM

And here

https://www.kinguin.net/catalogsearch/result/index?q=darkest dungeon

noone is here Publish time 26-11-2019 22:28:52

Wow, thanks a lot!
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