Publish time 26-11-2019 22:28:48
Totally agree with most of the comments above, I spend enough time gaming that the cost is very reasonable, as a hobby it's probably one of the cheaper ones to have, I could go paint balling or Airsoft but the cost of the BB's paint balls would be as much for a a couple 1 hour games as i spend on one game for the Xbox.
I've already played 50 hours of BFV and at £55 for the deluxe edition ts cost me £1 and hour, as that goes on it will be less, I know I'll get around 3/400 hours out of just this game alone.
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:28:48
The amount of hours I put into some games they would be a bargain at £200 never mind £40.
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:28:48
When I was a lad in the 70s, an Atari was £120 with a Space Invaders cartridge costing £29.99!
This was a time when the average house price was about £10k
Needless to say I always dreamed of having an Atari but Santa somehow misread my letters and I ennde up with a Yo-yo or similar //
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:28:48
I remember the days when I had the SNES and would spend £60 on cartridges for it! Now that was expensive.
I rarely buy games on release nowadays, unless it’s something really special that I’ve waited ages for.
Just bought Far Cry 5 digitally for my X for £27.50. Now, if I get 70 hrs out of that it works out at 39p an hour. I see that as a bargain tbh. As others have said, it pays to be patient and shop around.
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:28:49
And the rest. I think I paid about £90 for the Super Famicom import of SF2.
I remember paying £80 for US Zelda - Link to the Past and the same for Soul Blazer. I also remember that Super Star Wars was about £65.
Games now are really good value for money especially when you consider the production values and time investment they offer. I mean £40 or so for Fallout 4, AC Odyssey, Zelda, Witcher 3 etc., which all offer upwards of 100hours is awesome value and cheaper than a night out.
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:28:49
its only expensive if you want stuff the day of release 6 months later everything is half price or less.
i think ive spend less than £60 this entire generation baring the cost of the consoles
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:28:49
GTA V being the exception. That held its price for a long long time!
Knight Rider 1963
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:28:49
I'd wait for the price to be reduced, rather than get a game on the day of release.
Case of point:
FIFA 19, on release £50 for standard edition.
On sale a few months later: £30 for 19, or wait a few months later still to be reduced even further.
One question:
How much does, for example, EA Sports, lose if the price of FIFA was not high on day of release?
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:28:50
thing is games have hardly gone up in price in decades. i remember paying exactly the same amount for games 20 years ago with snes ps1 etc. they havent gone up with inflation over that entire period
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:28:50
I moaned about £5 - £10 cassette games on zx81 and zx Spectrum, then Atari STFM disc games 
If you have fast broadband you could try the under €5 section here
Best Games under €5
I have bought video software of the site but no games yet.