martialguedro Publish time 26-11-2019 22:18:47

I have xbox360 but now I'm playing on PC. 

silvercue Publish time 26-11-2019 22:18:48

I mainly use my Ps4 and Ps4 Pro (different rooms).

I also have Ps3, Switch, XBOX 360, Ipad, Vita, 3Ds, but most get very little playtime.

BAMozzy Publish time 26-11-2019 22:18:48

I also have an XB1s Gears of War custom console, a standard XB1 with Kinect, a standard PS4, a PS3 Slim, a day 1 60GB PS3 Phat (with YLOD), An XB360 elite with Kinect, an OG Xbox Crystal and a Game boy colour. Until a few years ago when I had a clear out, I had numerous PC's and Home Computers (going back to my Vic 20) as well as consoles and boxes and boxes of games up in the attic.

However, the ONLY consoles I game on are the PS4 Pro and Project Scorpio - even though I do have others set up in the bedroom should I wish to use them....

When In Rome Publish time 26-11-2019 22:18:48


mark6226 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:18:48

I've got the PS4 pro but rarely play on it. I play mainly on PC. I'll be playing red dead 2 on it. I haven't decided on monster hunter World or shadow of the colossus. I'm not keen on mp gaming or co-op games. Thats why I'm not sure about mhw.
I tired ashes cricket on the pro and it's so awful I'll be selling it After only an hours play.
The pro is great and value and sony gave vvg exclusives
The x would be a waste of money for me as I get vastly better graphics on my PC.

CAS FAN Publish time 26-11-2019 22:18:49

Current gen, I have a couple of PS4 pros, an Xbox 1X. An Xbox 1S, a MGSV PS4 and a Switch.Use them all a fair bit (probably the Switch the most).

Previous gens, I have a PS3, XB360, Wii U, PS2, Dreamcast, Saturn, Megadrive, Super Famicom, NES, Atari 7800, Speccy3 and a Dragon 32.I’ve got most of the handhelds from the Sega Game Gear onwards too.

In all honesty, I’ve really gone back to my retro gaming now and am collecting the Japanese Megadrive library. I have therefore spent a lot of time gaming on that too, playing classics like Thunderforce 2&3, Tatsujin, Outrun, Ghouls & Ghosts, Hard Drivin’, Strider to name a few.

ExDemented Publish time 26-11-2019 22:18:49

I am amazed to see how many people own both ps4 and xbox one. I had both at one point, also. I thought I was the only one with all the console wars. Lol. I did eventually give up my xbox one. Don't get me wrong... I love both consoles, but having both became a hassle. I went with the console I had more friends on.

CAS FAN Publish time 26-11-2019 22:18:49

I guess it's down to how you use/perceive them.It's easy to get sucked into a console's ecosystem these days and feel the need to maintain a presence on there (like some do with facebook and other social media).

I just like having them there in case a game comes out on a specific console that I want to play.I rarely bother with much online these days.

BAMozzy Publish time 26-11-2019 22:18:50

I have always owned at least 2 devices for gaming - N64 and PS1, PS2 and Xbox, PS3, XB360 and Wii, PS4 and XB1. In recent years, the Sony/MS consoles seem to have become 'closer' in terms of Software but even then you often get various deals (sales, bonus content, earlier access etc) on one platform or the other that you can take advantage of and at least 6 free games a month offered too. I have friends on both systems so it often doesn't come down to where my friends play for me.

ExDemented Publish time 26-11-2019 22:18:50

To be completely honest, the main reason i bought both consoles was because I had just came out of a divorce and moved in with a roommate splitting bills. I figured that since I had my freedom and was able to set a little money back, why not splurge. I am not actually huge on comparing consoles. I love them both. But you both did raise good points.
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