Publish time 26-11-2019 22:18:44
It's what I would expect in a forum that strives for the 'best' in AV technology. I bet a poll of the forum members that own a high end 4k TV would be significantly different to the 'general' public too.
We hear that 4k for example has a 10% install base in the US for example but then you wouldn't expect the elderly or the under 18's to have 4k. The elderly probably won't upgrade their TV until their current TV breaks. However if you then ran a poll on a AV specialist forum, the figures would be very different with 4k appearing to have a much larger install.
It does surprise me though that more people appear to use the XB1 (any) compared to PS4 (any) but then maybe the fact that the S and X also double up as a 'decent' 4k HDR Bluray too with Dolby Atmos helped. If this poll was conducted on a dedicated gaming site, I would be surprised if the percentages were similar to this.
Polls on sites like this are not representing the General Public and never will. These are 'specialist' sites and only representative of that 'group/sector'. As far as gaming goes, in a 'general public' vote, the most likely highest percentage would be 'don't game' because that would incorporate everyone - inc those elderly people that are not techies. According to sales figures, only 105m or so PS4/XB1 consoles have been sold globally. If that was sales for USA, that would mean 2 out of every 3 don't game on these consoles at all. There is an estimated 7.5bn people so to represent the 'general' public, people gaming is a very small sector. You would get different results in different countries too.
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:18:45
I understand, but according to this poll almost as many people have bought an X box one X in a month as the one and S combined.
More people have bought an X than bought a standard PS4 or a PS4 pro.
X box one as a whole has outsold the PS4.
Even given the fact this is an enthusiasts forum I simply don't believe these figures.
Really high end gamers will be on pc, people wanting a 4k player would have bought the S.
There is simply no way there are more X box one X users on this forum than people who use standard PS4s
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:18:45
The vote doesn't say that. It says there are more XBox OneX owners who voted on this poll than PS4 owners. That's the real trouble with polls. It only reflects those who vote 
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:18:45
I think what it reflects is the ‘active’ members on here right now. A ton (and I mean a ton) of people have just bought the X, you can see that in the One X thread post volumes. It only stands to reason that the most active members on here right now are One X owners...
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:18:45
The Poll also only asks which you own and use for gaming. A lot of those Xbox One X users may well of sold or traded in to get the X.
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:18:45
That's the point I was making, that the poll results are clearly not a representation of reality.
In other words this proves that a poll like this is pretty much pointless, especially in the immediate aftermath of a new console release.
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:18:46
X box one X has sold what, 160,000 to 200,000 units in this country since it was launched?
Half of those were probably bought as Christmas presents so are still sitting in a box unused as yet.
PS4, X box One and S, Nintendo switch have sold millions each in this country, there is simply no way, even on this forum that the X box One X is being used by more than any iteration of any of the other consoles.
Hence my assertion that the results of the poll are meaningless other than to confirm that it's pointless to have a poll immediately after a new console release as it clearly skews the figures massively
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:18:46
Tomytronic ,game & watch snoopy
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:18:46
I've got a pro but rarely use it. I game almost entirely on PC
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:18:47
Got me a ps4 360 and just got a one s