Suave Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:35


Just my basic & novice input as I just very recently started vaping. I used 15mg & found it just way, way too strong - made me very tight chested & light headed indeed. Make note, I stopped actual smoking nearly 2.5 years ago & have been on the Nicorette Inhalators since so not switching directly from actual tobacco!


Timmy C Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:36

While that makes sense, I found when I used tobacco flavour I still sometime craved a real smoke when I'd had a few drinks. Since switching solely to 'flavours' I've lost any interest in real smoking completely as that taste now seems revolting to me.

GMC79 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:37

Dont forget u could always mix your own strength if wanted lower, 2 bottles one nic free one ur regular and could mix a 50/50 blend, in effect halfing the strength.

NewfieDrool Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:38

I'm on 24mg and only use the Mint flavoured liquids.

McCol Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:38

Contacted Digbys, as I only really use their Moyira's mix liquid to ask about 0%.They dont do ot but are now doing a 3mg so will give that a go next time I order.

twoeyedbob Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:38

First things first,I'd suggest staying away from anything the size of a cigarette...ultimately it'll be very frustrating and expensive...
Get yourself to a decent e-cig shop offering advice and support.
Anything less than a 650mah battery is useless to anyone but a social smoker.

Re nic strength...your wife should start at 18-24 And see how it goes...first few weeks is a learning curve ...which is why advice and support is very important.

JimmyMac Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:38

Went with a 1% tobacco liquid originally, ones that came free with the e cig's, done the job fine but I wasn't a fan of the sharp hit on the back of my throat so did a bit more research.

Luckily I have a really good shop close by that sells some very good liquids and you can try before you buy too.

I now have a 50/50 pg/vg royal tobacco 1.1% that the wife is happy with, I have one that has a vanilla flavour that i'm enjoying.

Wasn't fussed about going with a flavour but now I have tried one I like the idea so may try some others to see if there is one I prefer. Key thing is its all working, no cigs since new years and working fine 
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