JimmyMac Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:24

Liquid Strength, advice

Hi all,

So me and the wife have attempted quitting smoking a few times with varying degrees of success, on occasion its lasted a few months then we always seem to fall back into it. I was and perhaps still am a bit against E Cigs as I just want them out of my life altogether but as I keep failing I think its time to give this the chance now.

I am looking at just getting something like the Titan for the wife as it looks similar to just a normal cigarette and will fit in her bag when needed.

MY question is more around the liquid strength to get, we smoke probably 10-15 a day and they are "lights", any thoughts on what I should be looking at?

McCol Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:25

I smoked 20-30 roll-ups per day for 25 years.Initially I started on medium strength but found I was vaping a lot so switched to high strength(18mg).After a while I switched back to medium and now using low strength(6mg).
Ideally I'd like an even lower strength but I think 6mg or 0.6 is the lowest.

Lomez Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:26

I started at 18mg for about a week and then dropped straight too 6mg,I smoked similar to yourself in terms of cigarettes and types so maybes 12mg is a good start point.

oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:27

I'd go with 12mg, I started at 18mg and used it for about a year but was vaping a lot more than I smoked so sometimes would get a fuzzy nic head. Now I find 12mg a good balance.

JimmyMac Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:29

Thanks everyone, sounds like 12mg for a good starting point then 

jono987 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:30

I'm on 18 ATM been vaping for 2 weeks. I'd recommend getting the flavour you want in 12 and 18 to see which one you prefer

JimmyMac Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:30

Thanks, going to stick with a straight tobacco one for now rather than going for a flavour, hoping to use it as a quitting aid so don't want to find a flavour I like that makes me want to stick with it 

WozzaUK Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:31

Just for your info, there's a lot of flavours and vendors now selling 0% liquid if you want to wean yourself off the nicotine. Good luck.

Delvey Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:32

Used one to give up last may. Started off on a high dosage and gradually lowered it then stopped

busterbenny2001 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:56:34

Good to hear, I started last week on 12mg, want to do couple of months then drop then hope to stop
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