Food\Drink you wish you could bring back
May have been created before.But anyway here we go.I wish they would bring back cremola foam for a start, used to live on that stuff as a kid.Can also remember stupid things like dennis the menace bars, lucky charms cereal, and ice cream chewitts (even emailed about them) etc.
What food or drink would you love to see back from the past? I've just eaten some yoghurt and then found out it's a couple of days out of date, I'm sure I'll be bringing that back soon ! There was a cremola thread last week I believe.
I still eat lucky charms regularly, have friends in america who kindly send me them over.
I miss crisps and sweets how they used to be...
all the crisps these days are not what they were, the good crisps have gone, I used to LOVE Burton's Potato Puffs.
Wagon Wheels changed. Imps Blackcurrant/liquorice humbugs
Mint Yo-yos
Fried kidneys and home made chips like me mum used to make
Stuffed lambs Hearts - ditto
My wife wont let me have the last two in the house, or Liver  I'd have to agree with the crisps part.Everytime you see "new and improved" on the packet, they just seem to taste worse imo.
Mint\toffee yoyo's was the dogs.Always remember dunsade too, what an amazing yet weird tasting drink. The ice cream sauce which set solid when you poured it onto ice cream.
Vice-Versas (the milk and white chocolate Minstrels)
Nerds and Dweebs (those really tangy little sweets that came in "sweet" and "sour" packets)
Milkybar chocolate spread (absolutely incredible, had it on holiday in Angelsey and then never saw it again)
There's some out still
I believe nerds and dweebs are still on ebay and other sweet shops online. or at least alternatives. Wispa's 
Quattro, used to love this stuff
YouTube - Quattro fizzy drink commercial.(uk 80s) I'm sure this has been asked before
Anyhoo,my answer is Texan's the greatest choc bar ever;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
And for the moron's who profiteered from the last release,i hope you choke on em'.