_dark_blu Publish time 26-11-2019 05:58:27

They're back to how they originally were now, though apparently can be hard to find in some places. 

supahyp Publish time 26-11-2019 05:58:27

This is probably impossible to bring back , but who remembers when you could go into any chippie and get a actual large piece of codor haddock . You know the ones i mean ,that were thinat the ends plump in the middle and about a foot long . I 'm sure it has to do with dwindling supplies of cod, haddock , but the last few times i've been to the chippie i've been given right runty specimens .

sniffer66 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:58:28

Cadburys Old Jamaica !

And rum n raisin ice cream - I cant find it anywhere these days 

AidenH Publish time 26-11-2019 05:58:29

Spangles! Always used to cut my tongue open on them, as the middle was thinner and would dissolve in my mouth first. Good memories though.
Mountain Dew, though I know you can still get it online
Spearmint penny chews- Made by Bassets I think, the same as the Fruit Salads and the BlackJacks you used to get in tubs.
Spring Onion flavoured crisps, you just don't see 'em anymore!
Cheese and Chive Walkers crisps
Sundog Cheesy Popcorn. I'm apparently the only person in the world to remember it lol.

And if anyone's looking for penny sweets, if you know someone with a cash and carry card, nick it and head to the local one, the one near me has boxes and boxes of penny ones.

Anyone remember these? They were like minstrels, there'd be two types in the packet, milk chocolate discs of chocolate with a a white chocolate flavoured hard coating (like Smarties, and Minstrels now have) and a white chocolate disk of chocolate with a milk chocolate hard coating.

Iccz Publish time 26-11-2019 05:58:30

I remember all of what you said, and someon else mentioned Visa Versas - the things like minstrels

I loved cheesey popcorn though, omg I hope you can still get it somewhere! 
If not just found this which can do the trick:

eric pisch Publish time 26-11-2019 05:58:31

arrrr why is the rum allways gone !

IAN P Publish time 26-11-2019 05:58:32

Have to settle for fudge then.

ste v p Publish time 26-11-2019 05:58:33

Saw some Viscounts the other day and bought them on BOGOF just because of that advert - "I vont, I vont, I vont a Viscount"

I miss Wham bars and a whole range of similarly sour chew bars (Irn Bru bars etc). You can still get them in some places, they're still 10p but are definitely much smaller than I remember.

I remember when Monster Munch were big enough you could fit your whole finger through the ring section. They changed them years ago and I was disappointed. I used to bite off each individual monster finger before going for the rest. 

I occasionally find pickled onion Space Invaders. Thems were the days!
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