Publish time 26-11-2019 05:53:41
Speaking of lunch, two boys from here just came back from local hot food place.
They saw a bloke being handed an all-day breakfast, and heard the assistant saying "Just for future, we don't really do them after 1130"
They had chicken steaks and chips.
But the addition of sticky sweet chilli sauce turned it into a feast.
Honestly, that stuff would make a tramp's vomit palatable.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:53:42
I suggest you don't worry about it. So long as you're eating a balanced diet and not actually starving to death, then perhaps it might be best simply to go along with it. It may be the equivalent of a childish fad which will pass.
We all do things during the day which we're not exactly ecstatic about. Prepare it, eat it, forget it.Perhaps you could start to get worked up over cleaning your teeth, vacuuming the living-room or ironing  !
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:53:43
The problem is I used to really enjoy food and would get excited about dinner at least once a week... I know that sounds a bit daft. It just feels weird now to be bored of food, it takes me longer to eat stuff as a result, and the decision for meals is becoming quite a bother!
At least cleaning teeth, vacuuming and other chores like that don't come with multiple choices and varieties that complicate the matter 
I see your point though, but I'd just like to enjoy food again.
Hopefully it's just a phase!
Mr Noble
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:53:44
I only eat one meal a day ... not because i can't afford to i just don't feel hungry anymore 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:53:45
If this doesn't work, then I cannot help you...
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:53:46
Like I said the talk of food on here and pictures etc does make me think "mmm" but when it comes to food for me, I'm disinterested in most things 
I'm going to pop into the Asian supermarket on the way home see if I can find much there to buy in.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:53:47
You will find that when you hit 14 your tastes will change.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:53:48
My local pub does steak burger, black pudding and bacon on a lovely fresh bun . . its maybe the tastiest thing ive eaten all year.
Try deep fried food.Not fish, maybe like haggis or bp or pies or something.
Also, what makes me salivate when im peckish is a crisp sandwhich . . salt and vinigar golden wonder slapped between lovely soft bread!!mmmmm
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:53:49
I live down south mate, getting haggis here isn't easy, getting good haggis is a no go... the only time I will have it is when I'm up that way and know I can get good stuff, love a nice haggis burger though 
Eating out is certainly not a bore, but it's not practical, it's just at home I seem to struggle or at lunch time when dealing with pasta / sandwiches etc.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:53:50
get the barbeque out. everything tastes better burnt. fact