Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:15
Had 3 of the 4 bins delivered today.
The red one for card&paper.Doesn't come with a lid //
Twocaddies for food,big one for outside and a small one for inside.Not sure where that's supposed to go as i imagine it will soon kick up a stink.
It also came with a calander with green/red marking aswhen to put out what bin.Now where i live it's mainly OAP's and they have trouble remembering which day the normal rubbish goes out.So i suspect it will be chaos on bin days 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:16
Our council supplied box for glass/cans is really fancy. It has a clip-in divider inside to keep glass & cans separate. Apparently it's a legal requirement for the bin men to rip this out & fling it up the front garden path.
It also has double hinged lids so that one side can be emptied at a time. This also has to ripped off & thrown up the garden.
But it's best feature is the channel in the bottom with drainage holes. Unfortunately, the holes are in the high part so there would need to be in excess of an inch of liquid in it before it would start to drain...
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:17
Look at what neighbours have put out?
The fact that your paper bin does not have a lid is priceless. Looking at the mentality, I have a small feeling that your bottles bin will have a lid!
You could just keep the small caddy next to your normal bin in the kitchen. Mine's on the work top, as it's a solid opaque one but some have silly ventilated models probably made to sell more liners.
I'm very tempted to place a "Please give the bin a good shake" sticker on my garden bin as its summer and it will not be long before I will have to be jumping inside the bin to squash the pile down...not going to the tip and having pine needles stuck in the car. I suppose if all this heavy garden waste is placed on top of the food bags... squelch! Crunch! Leak!
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:18
I honestly cant see my neighbours even using their new bins,some are late 80's/90's so wont be able to put them out.
And the fact i live near the coast,and it's always windy means the paper/card bin will be littering the road as soon as they're put out 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:18
When I was in bristol this happened a lot where I was. Also they wouldn't take cardboard unless it was in separate bags, so you put it in separate bags and they never took it in the 3 years I was there.