Berties Publish time 26-11-2019 05:47:11

Not really fair on those without somewhere to store them ie terrace owners!

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 05:47:12

No.I've got a compost heap and 3 chickens which between then seem to deal with waste food.

tonyrees687 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:47:13

Yes. All those bin boxes look fantastic outside your house. Cant wait to have more. Also some bin men/persons are not allowed to cross the street to pick up waste they have to turn round and come back down the other side of the street. Wastes time, wastes money, clogs up more traffic, what a bloody waste .

Berties Publish time 26-11-2019 05:47:14

What do you do with chicken left overs and bones though?

SevloW Publish time 26-11-2019 05:47:15

I have the following:-
1 x large general waste wheelie bin
1 x medium green waste wheelie bin
1 x plastic box for paper/cardboard
1 x plastic box for glass
1 x bag for plastic/cans
1 x kitchen caddy for waste food

Since October 2010 we now have fortnightly collections - Green waste one week and general waste the other.

I have no problem in sorting the stuff out but I am now finding that my roll of bio-degradable kitchen caddy bin liners is running out. Had a look at the local council website and they said they supply enough liners for 6 months, if you run out you can buy them at supermarkets/diy stores, next supply will be in April.
There are only 2 of us in the house and if I have nearly run out then the family next door must have run out ages ago.

So I either have to buy new liners or just throw everything into the general waste bin 

Adams0211 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:47:16

We have a black bin for general waste (collected fortnightly), a brown bin for cardboard/food waste/garden waste (collected fortnightly) and a blue box for paper/glass (collected fortnightly). We don't have a food waste caddy.

They don't collect plastic bottles/cartons etc for recycling round my way which seems daft. We either have to take them to a recycling bank or chuck them out with the general waste which is not good for the environment and it fills your bin up quicker.

severe dainjah Publish time 26-11-2019 05:47:17

food waste bins work perfectly well for us, only downside is buying compostible linershence why i now pick up free papers wherever I can and just wrap food in that

Whilst it might seem daft all these Councils asking residents to be more responsible with their waste and separate it accordingly for different treatment... but let's face it, it's better than filling up every hole in our land with rubbish - especially as many landfills are running out of space and waste growth is ever increasing due to modern throw away society

Berties Publish time 26-11-2019 05:47:18

^ yeah hated it when they had seperate glass, paper, rubbish bins.

Just silver (everything recyclable) and black (non recycle) plus brown for garden waste which is hardly used.

Abraxas2040 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:47:19

We have a black bin for general waste, collected every fortnight. One brown bin (collected alternate week) for garden waste and contents from the kitchen caddy ( replacement biodegradable bags are provided by the council, when you run out you simply hang a little red tag on your bin and they leave new ones). A big red box for recyclables ie cardboard, plastic bottles, cans etc. And a blue bin for paper collected once a month.

ldoodle Publish time 26-11-2019 05:47:20

I know, it's rediculous. By the time I have put the food shop away I have a whole black sack, sometimes 1.5, just of packaging. There's only 2 of us to feed and we don't buy a single ready meal. It's things like the plastic fruitpackaging, the thin card that holds all the yogurts together.

As to bins, we don't have them where or near where I live. Just chuck the black sacks on the pathway the morning of collection day. This is worse than your neighbours putting wheelee bins out at 2pm the day before as the foxes and cats have a field day where people put them out the night before.

If I was a bin man and found I had arrived to a load of torn open sacks with a trail of food, I would simply leave them. Councils should ban people from putting their sacks out at anytime other than the day of collection.
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