Chadford Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:19

It's surprising how many people don't know how to defrost food safely. I got food poising at a relatives house a while ago because of this. What I discovered they were doing was taking meat out of their freezer in the morning and leaving it to defrost all day on the counter next to a warm Aga.  

Recommended methods for defrosting:
1) In the fridge.
2) In the microwave.
3) In a sealed plastic bag placed in *cold* water (changing the water every now and then).

Never on the counter top. 

DJT75 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:20

Are you sure it's food poisoning & not just some other bowel related illness/irritation? It doesn't sound like food poisoning & the frequency of it would make you the unluckiest person on the planet.

Your body can react to certain foods or cooking methods & make you ill, but it doesn't mean it's food poisoning. Food poisoning is when there's something wrong with the item you've consumed, do you really think you're eating badly prepared food that often? & if so, how?

Sounds more like Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Colitis. I would seriously see a Doc if you're experiencing those symptons often, unless you're eating the same food from a the same filthy cafe everyday..

FZR400RRSP Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:21

Could be Celiac disease too.
A fair proportion of my family has that.
I've recently been tested and, thankfully, don't have it.
It would mean a gluten free diet, which I can't be bothered with.

qwerty321 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:22

Ive always thought of it as a more sensitive stomach. Used to get it once ever 2-3 months but now its much less than that. Been over 6 months since I had it last.

Semi-Skimmed milk doesn't do me any good eithier apart from in the amounts you put in coffee.

la gran siete Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:23

you could have some kinf food intolerance .Dairy , wheat products and citrus fruit can often bring on adverse reactions.Hope you havent got colitis because thats a nasty life long condition

FZR400RRSP Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:24

My uncle also put his Celiac disease down to a 'sensitive stomach'.
The trouble is, Celiac sufferers are significantly more likely to develop bowel cancer.
So far better he got it diagnosed and alters his diet.

KhalJimbo Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:25


Cobb Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:26

Maybe it isn't food poisoning. I know there's different kinds but i'm starting to think it's something else. Now i have extreme fatigue, i feel like sleeping all day and i don't have the energy to do anything. I can hold food down but when i eat i can feel a lump in my throat and burning in my chest, i constantly feel bloated too.

Might call the docs tomorrow if no better, starting to feel depressed that it's taking up all my time off work 

Pincho Paxton Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:27

What is your job anyway? I got a bad allergy to printer toner which had quite a bad effect on me. So bad that I looked it up on the net, and it does effect a lot of people even to the degree of being compared to heavy smoking, and asbestos.

Berties Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:28

If you die of food poisoning, at least you know you have food poisoning and can do something about it.

Laster toner is nasty stuff, it's carconogenic. Worked in pharmacetical clean room and pointed out errmmm why are laser printers in here, when it's a dust controlled area?
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