Recommended Smart Scales?
Is anyone using one or suggest something extremely good? As I'm after one that will track all the detailed stuff to log.Accurate weight obviously.
BMI yes I know it can be iffy.
Body Fat
Muscle Mass
Water percentage
Visceral Fat
Currently have my eye on the Lumsing Smart Body Analyzer Digital Scale with Free app for iOS/Android. My gym has a Boditrax machine, does all that and more! Can't get one for the home though I don't think.... *cries* So do I when I use it.... that's why I don't use mine. Last reading 28% fat  Withings Cardio I'm actually forcing myself to use it less! I was using it at least once a week and found I was obsessing over the results. Of course all the results were minute changes which are the type that go up and down all day every day and I was stressing about them and guess that I wasn't seeing big changes.
So now I've set a Google reminder and I'm not using then until it tells me to, every 4 weeks. I have these Salter MiBody Bluetooth Digital Body Analyser Bathroom Scales. I'd highly recommend them I have a cheap one (salter glass one). Use it every day. If I have tried hard to keep the calories down, I do like to see that reflected in my 'score' the next day 
I know it means nothing and is just an indication. My results over 113 days have only fluctuated by 3.5kg in around 80kg. I imagine the real results are probably much closer. And it doesn't take account of any muscle gain.
Honestly, you know when your doing the right thing. I have never been surprised by the results. I'd love to find one that is compatible with the Apple HealthKit.