Bacon on a pizza..would you?
Pizza night tonight and we are making our own as per usual.I fancy a change and have some bacon in the fridge...Never had it before on a pizza, so, would you and what with?? Sounds great, just leave the pineapple in the fruit basket  I would. it goes well with cheese. Bacon,hell yeah! Not as a full rasher draped over the surface...but chopped up, yeah for sure. Always have bacon on my wife's homemade pizza, smoky bacon to add a bit more flavour.Bloomin' lovely! Pineapple, ham and chilli
Only a little.. On a diet! That's what I decided.. Chopped up.Might try rashers next time haha Bacon? Yes. With pizza underneath? Yes. Never again. Love bacon but the fat from the bacon made the pizza taste rank.