bencummins1983 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:24:43

All the joe wicks aka the body coach books are pretty decent for cooking for one. Even if you ignore the exercise routines in them it provides a wealth of reciepes. I think they are only £8 on Amazon at the moment.

Miss Mandy Publish time 26-11-2019 05:24:43

Is Joe Wicks the 'lean in 15' guy? I haven't seen his books, but I've heard they're good. I might pick one up and have a look.

sniffer66 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:24:43

Apart from pasta dishes, Risotto is a good fall back meal when you are cooking for one, as you can adjust the quantities to suit.
It's a little bit of a faff in that you need to stand over it for about 20 mins as you get the stock absorbed but there are so many variations it never gets boring. I have a few Jamie Oliver books with Risotto recipes in and once you master the basic recipe you can put in what you like.
I especially like chicken/wild mushroom or prawn, pea and mint.
Tend to eat mine with some warm bread or a green salad

kouros Publish time 26-11-2019 05:24:43

I would suggest making soups, they are very easy to make and you can make as many portions as you want.

raduv1 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:24:43

I don't usually cook for one , when I do though( work shifts )and I come home in the morning from a 12 hour shift its an omelette, and a cheese one at that.Four eggs , a tad of milk, salt n pepperin the small frying pan ( so you can fluff it up to a decent thickness ) and then add the grated cheese to your taste , fold and done. Couple of rounds of toast and perfect.

domtheone Publish time 26-11-2019 05:24:44

Also a single homeowner.Few interesting ideas.   

@494930   Is that melted Cheese over the steaks?

Never tried that. Tempted to have a go at that tonight

494930 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:24:44

Melted cheese and garlic butter.

jesser Publish time 26-11-2019 05:24:44

when i started living on my own cooking seemed the worst chore, because I felt so lazy and it's always tempting to order aomth or just fill myself with random snacks. But it's not the healthiest way to live so I eventually started cooking simplest things and freeze the leftovers to have them later. My advanced level was to prepare ingredients like broth, boiled veggies etc, freeze them and use whenever I need to cook smth. Freezing is really helpful

domtheone Publish time 26-11-2019 05:24:44

Butter bean & chorizo stew

Starting looking through the BBC recipes (simple ones) of late.

Picked the above.

So simple yet so yummy.

About a fiver gives me 4 portions so 2 nights dinner.
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