Best Drunk Food
Right so we are nearly at the Merry time and a nice break from work. Have bought copious amounts alcohol in all it's varieties.So what's everyones must have drunk food item? I'll also except best Munchies too for those that partake. The wronger they are the better!
It doesn't have to be Christmas themed food, but since they'll be much more drunkage at this time, I'm sure a Chrimbo confection suggestion (I'm not sure anyone could say that at said time lol), would be appreciated.
For me? Does, Vodka ice cubes count?//
Seriously, try this.
Bread, cheese (very thin slices for me), tomato (salted if you like), onion and a splash of vinegar. Trust me, it's awesome.
Nice cheese and some posh pickle,
Cranberry muffins from Costco with that crystalised sugar they have on top.
Have a Merry Christmas everyone. Kebab
King of the drunk food  Kebab or a curry. Damn forgot Kebab. Then again it's a drunk only food and since your drunk you cant actually remember it afterwoods lol. That's why it's top of the list 
Same goes for curry, not something you would usually want sober. Curry's good, but not the same satisfaction as kebab, chicken only. No matter how drunk, that leg of brown is not for me. And the image of the amount of fat on a TV program I saw never leave the mind Im not a curry fan, and there's probably more fat in one than a kebab.
But hey when you're drunk who cares  Cheesy chips here!  A really hot curry or a kebab with some decent chili sauce. Failing that, crumpets with marmite and melted cheese. A plain burger!
When your drunk the meat tastes like its been carressed by 1000 angels 