Saving left over curry
Sorry for the probably stupid question, but I have never been one to save leftover food so not sure how to go about it.I just made a chicken curry ,but much too much.I want to save the rest for tomorrow.Do I leave it to cool down first before putting it in the fridge?? To room temperature? Yes, leave it to cool before putting it in the fridge or freezer.  Simple answer is Yes, don't put hot or warm food into a fridge.
Edit: beaten to it  Thanks for the sppedy replies  Another tip...Always make large batches of chili and freeze some.It actually improves with freezing 
Not sure about curry though. I wouldn't reheat chicken more than once though IMO.
R4z The flavours will mature overnight  This can be a good thing but not always if it was a bit on the hot (chilli hot) side already.
Dave Stews, casseroles & ragu are also great for freezing.
You have to be careful with keeping & re-heating rice though. It doesn't keep very long at all without bacteria forming I have read somewhere. also if freezing, buy small containers so u only defrost what u need Room temperature isn't a necessity, you can let it cool a little then put it in, if you're able to comfortable hold the container without it feeling hot then it's fine to go in. Use a shallow container where possible.
If you leave it out too long then you are only increasing the chance of bacteria multiplying.