Favourite or most used kitchen utensils/gadgets
Just interested in what other bits and pieces others use or like the most aside.For me, I use the following almost daily.(I would add knives, pots and pans but I guess that would also apply to 90%of people.)
Y-shaped peeler - I love root vegetables so invariably this comes out.I used to use those traditional fixed blade peelers, but I find these versions much easier and quicker.
Stainless steel mixing bowls - I have them in various sizes and they're really handy to have around just to keep ingredients in that you've prepared.Also good for stuff you're marinading.Cheap and easy to clean.
Cooking chopsticks - hate using chopsticks to eat food with, but they're surprisingly useful for cooking.I tried them after a pair of kitchen tongs went 'missing'.Obviously there's a learning curve, but easier to turn and move smaller items in the pan.I find them useful for making scrambled eggs. Nothing innovative but my sharpening steel is my favourite gadget. Can't be doing with dull knives. Global knife set, amazing how much better it is chopping, slicing etc with a good set of knives
Garlic peeler - such a simple thing but makes removing the shell from garlic cloves a doddle Ordered a couple of fancy pans from Pro Cook the other week.They chucked in a £50 knife (allegedly-said knife was selling for £25 on their own site).Sounds Japanese ish (Santoku) but i think it says something about German steel on the knife).Coming from using crap, blunt knifes, omg.Slicing through Cucumber, Tomatoes etc, is heaven .
Love it. Santoku is the shape of the knife, a style that originated in Japan. bottle opener is used most in my house! Love my Circulon pans I got on adeal from Amazon 
Santoku knife set, large and small one and steel to keep nice and sharp 
Oh and not forgetting my aeropress  Dull knives are the work of the devil but I never had much success using a steel.
We bought one of these and it revolutionised our cheap IKEA knife block set.
Buy Chantry Knife Sharpener, Black | John Lewis
We left it in a self catering place by accident, self catering always have terrible knives and flying with your own is "frowned upon"  bought a new one as soon as we got home.
I'm also a big fan of the silicone spatula since I discovered they're heat resistant enough to use mixing saucepans and frying pans.Stops stuff being stuck to the bottom and gets all the food onto the plate, not lost in the washing up! spoon, it is all-powerful. Potato ricer.