Queens Pawn Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:43

motivation required to start exercising...

A year ago I was regularly exercising (swimming), handling so many things at work including reorganisation stress.

Then in the last 9 months, I've let it go. Work (personal and professional) is overwhelming and requires a lot of "creative" energy, and I feel I have nothing left - zero motivation to exercise - it all feels like too much effort.

Earlier this summer I bought an exercise aircycle so I could do simple upper and lower cardiovascular as soon when I wake up - but my brain firmly says "no". The once frequented swimming pool is far too far away...etc.

I feel like I am the bottom of a hole and too weak to climb up. Downward spiral health. And this is after a holiday. Anyone else been in this sort of position? I'm not looking for sympathy, just some ideas on how you would get out of it? I miss my health...

BigStu1972 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:43

Home exercise bikes always end up as somewhere to hang clothes on, so you're not alone there.

Have you got any friends who exercise regularly that you could tag along with? it certainly helps to motivate you of you know not going will be letting someone, other than yourself, down.

Failing that, what sports interest you?
Tennis, Badminton, Table Tennis, Martial Arts? playing a sport as opposed to just going to the gym, is a lot more interesting for most people and you'll make friends along the way.

I know someone who was never in to sports and he found going to the gym a bit intimidating so he joined a walking club and lost loads of weight and made loads of new friends along the way.
Now he has an amazing social life.

good luck

PSM1 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:44

As above, find something with a social element to make you go.
Failing that the first couple of times back are always the hardest with it getting easier as you get back in the habit (as well as seeing the results of your hard work in terms of improving fitness).
We all have lulls in motivation so do not beat yourself up about it. Look forward at what you can do next and not backwards at what you have not done.

blue max Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:45

You could sign up for a regular exercise class. Maybe a cardio class or pilates can be quite a work out with some instructors. The important thing is to do something regularly.

You don't need any equipment really, so start to do some pushups etc. The thing is to start small and build. Also, work on your diet. Cut out processed foods and make healthy choices. It needs to be a multi pronged approach.

Incorporating some running is good for some. But get some good running shoes. Work out a little route and see how it goes. You may have to stop several times, but that is how you can mark your progress. There are apps for your phone that can give you some data too, which can be encouraging.

Dumbbells are a good addition. There are lots of youtube videos of things you can do with them. Not just bicep curls! Pick up some second hand ones, there are always some for sale. I'd avoid those sand filled plastic jobs as they are bulky and they are irritating as they tend to loosen with every curl. Iron ones are best, so you can add or subtract for your perfect weight.

Good luck and come back here and tell us how you're getting on 

clc.sheff Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:45

I booked myself in to do a triathalon. There were many days I got in from work totally knackered and went straight out for a run / swim / bike because I didnt want to feel I hadnt done my best on the day. Having an end goal works wonders imo.

I did the triathalon in July and haven't exercised since so I probably need to sign up for another!

PSM1 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:45

How did the Tri go? Distances? Enjoy it?

Queens Pawn Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:45

Thanks for all your responses.
Goals like triathlon and social/team sports are great suggestions , but perhaps later once I have reclaimed some health.

So after posting originally, I decided to change my commute to train from car (they are similar times) so I walk more daily.

Now I've got to make the exercise bike more enticing... I'm thinking with some AV (- an old projector

PSM1 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:45

Do not think you have to be fit to join a club. At my Tri club there are people of all fitness levels. All get the same welcome and allowed to go at own pace etc.

BigStu1972 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:46

Why not buy a real bike and go out on it. its a lot more interesting than sitting on a bike in your house.
I love exercise and train everyday but I can't last more than 10 minutes on a static bike before I'm bored out of my mind and no amount of TV or music helps.
However I'll quite happily go on a real bike an cycle for an hour.

I think you need to be honest with yourself. If you're not naturally self motivated then you need a reason to keep doing exercise and having or making friends usually helps.

good luck

sim12 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:46

I would do t25, that will ease you back in to it, just 25 mins a day for a couple of months, then take it from there.
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