Rowing machine recommendations
Looking for a rowing machine for about £200ish, any ideas?Thanks for any help Save up more money and get a Concept 2. My budget is at the £200 mark, I'm not going to spend £800 on a rowing machine. There is no substitute for the Concept 2, the cheaper machine are just hopeless.If you shop around you can get second hand Concept 2s for £3-400 and every single part is replaceable and available should anything be worn out.
You will not regret getting a concept 2, you will regret buying a cheaper, lesser machine.
concept 2 in United Kingdom | Fitness & Gym Equipment for Sale - Gumtree The problem I have is I don't want to spend more than £200. The concepts that go for £3-400 are the b/c models which are 12-20 years old. I cant bring myself to spend that sort of money on machines of that age. Also they are big machines at 2 meters long, I live in a one bedroom flat and want something to fit behind the sofa. I want something to use at home as I hate going to the gym. I used to have a cross trainer which helped me to loss 4 stone, but was far to big to bring to my flat. Thought about a exercise bike, but thought a rowing machine would give me a more all over body workout. I bought a cheap one for £75 and it was a complete waste of money. How much do you weigh? I'm 110kg, bought a machine for around 150, was useless. Wouldn't take my weight, kept moving under me. Found a decent 2nd hand Model B concept 2, serviced it myself, still going strong 3 years later. I think the saying here is you get what you pay for. A decent rowing machine will not come cheap. £200 will get you rubbish which you will be fed up with after a few uses. I would spend the money on a bike, £250 will get you an ok bike, and add in body weight squats, push ups etc.
check out you tube videos of dipping bar exercise. Can do many different exercises to hit all body parts and will not take up much space when not in use. You can pick these bars up for about £45. Another suggestion would be some resistance bands, again lots do exercises you can do with these and they take up no space at all.
I personally would not even thinking about buying a rowing machine for£200. Plus just doing rowing will potentially become boring pretty quickly for most people. Thanks for the advise, maybe I need to change this to exercise bike for up to £;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 I'm in the same boat (figuratively speaking ) and I've heard much the same about nabbing a used Concept 2. I saw they used to do interest-free credit if you buy direct but doesn't seem to be there at the mo unfortunately.