Last 3 months training program
Well actually because I couldn't train 3 times a week for the 12 week program, it took 14 weeks from 23rd February 2018.The result has been (stats from Boditrax, reasons taken with consistency in the process):-
Gain of 1kg of of muscle
Loss of 3kg fat
Body fat percentage dropped from 22% to 17%
My metabolic age statest at 41 which is my age and it is now rated at 28 years
Bone density increased by 0.1kg to 3.2kg (4.1% of my total weight)
My weight went from 80.4kg to 77.4kg
So, how? Made improvements to my diet although I still eat healthy food sometimes and drink booze occasionally, because I enjoy it and I want to.
Minimum of 12 hours fast, feel best at 17 hours, average 14 hours.
Now for the training... This has not been easy and a lot of the time it was not fun.
2 years ago I weighed around 14st (89kg) and was fat and in denial. I have a bad back condition and let everything go and used it as an excuse. Anyway, trip to hospital for a procedure and pain management then a week later I started going for jogs. I ended up buying into the Runtastic premium app world where they include for free Runtastic Results
Runtastic Results | Runtastic
So I complimented the change in diet with this training program. Each session harder than the last, all bodyweight exercises, no longer than 25 mins.
It has been bloody hard work. There were many times when I thought I was going to puke down myself, pass out or die. But I kept my motivation in my mind and pushed on.
I also began using the rower machine, which is amazing and I've been working on skipping rope/jump rope.
Just about had 4x2 mins rounds with 45s rest in between in the beginning but now I can do a 15 minute session with 30s rest periods. Absolutely love it, great exercise but it does kick my arse!!!
So what's up next? Moving back to weights but where I was doing strength training and mostly bench press before, I will be going back to bench and squats etc but with rep ranges of 10 to 12.
Also keeping in the rower and rope work. Feeling really positive at the moment, can't wait to see where the next 12 weeks lead to! great post and congrats on the bf% difference!!!
ive just joined a specialist place for a "12 week transformation" jobbie with diet plan/training all mapped out for me and have my first session tomorrow morning so im really looking forward to seeing how that goes...
My stats right now are 87kg and about 20? (i think - cheapo amazon calipers have me lower but i know they arent accurate). 87kg with 20% bf, you must be quite a big fella.
I'm 5ft 8inch (in the morning) but seem to have a short torso so any fat goes straight to my spare tire and i donot carry it well... Not really.... im 6ft so mostly look a bit lanky... and after this morning's opening pt sesh (in which i vommed) my bf is 23%.
My main issue is that i get that skinny fat look and god i hate it.
What made you choose 12 weeks? I watched a video from a pt the other day on insta and he talked about how a lot of folk tend to annualise fitness"I'll hit x amount of fat this year" and thus never do anything because you think you always have plenty of time.. he goes on to say its much better to change your fitness in 12 week periods. That program and many others are 12 weeks. 3 months is time enough to effect real changes in the body, it's an easily achievable amount of time, it's long enough to require discipline and commitment and not too long that I get bored with it.
Fat loss and muscle growth are not linear and are very unpredictable. There are too many variations beyond what you eat and drink and what training you do to make any accurate estimations. Sleep, weather, stress, how hard you train (I always train hard but if I'm honest I know I can push myself to complete failure then push harder if I can be motivated too so the point is, if sometime put a gun in your face, you could probably try harder) and many other things can effect it.
The only truth is you may not get what you want, but you'll get the body you deserve!!! great stuff.. 
I'm still plugging away - tho, my IBS has caused me to miss my last 2 sessions... back tonight tho 
I like to skip too - tho, I normally do it as a finisher of my leg session and do 5x100 skips supersetted with 5x10 box jumps...  - I've done 10 sets of either in the past but this makes it a bit faster..
tonight as a push finisher I hope to repeat last week which was 10x8 burpees supertetted with 10x5 bar dips, and 10x5 20kg kettlebell press (5 on each arm)...  That's a big boy workload!! it's an old mans workout haha..! I certainly wouldn't say that! Hey Moop, Howes the transformation going?