dUnKle Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:21

Do you, or anyone else looking in, know of anyone else, that’s reputable and do a decent assessment that can help, Shropshire / Shrewsbury area

I have emailed and called this link twice and got nowhere as yet

dUnKle Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:22

Another bump if I may
Still been unable to contact the company above (or rather can contact but get no update)

So still looking for someone reputable that could help local

Greg Hook Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:23

I've checked and they have someone in Bristol or Cheltenham. Not sure if that would be any use to you?

dUnKle Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:24

Sadly not but thanks for checking.

dUnKle Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:25

Greg, sorry to keep asking questions

The place you visited, was it found by Allergy Test UK - Testing and Treating Allergies in the UK or did you find them another way ? and would you be able to advise the name of the place you used and that may help me track down somewhere local ?

I dont mind paying to have the tests done as, like you say, its well worth it.But I dont want to use someone non reputable or who will not do a full and proper job

haxel Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:26

An alternative to allergy testing is to remove one item of food (or, for example, all nightshades) from your diet for two weeks, keep a diary of how you are feeling, and then reintroduce the item (or one item at a time from a group) later to see how you react.

Even if you have a negative coeliac test gluten may be a problem as they now recognize non-coeliac gluten sensitivity.

I've been glutenfree/dairyfree for many years but also react to other foods strangely - e.g. corn gives me joint pains for some reason and I have IBS.

When In Rome Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:27

Our youngest, almost 8 is Fragile X and gluten intolerant. We do find that the range of products is getting better across mainstream stores although often you are held to ransom on price.

Chadford Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:28

My friend has just been diagnosed coeliac. I have her around and cook for her quite often. She's not vegetarian but she's not far off. So two things?...

1) Quick and simple: i.e. is there supermarket stuff that tastes good that you could recommend?
2) Weekend meals: is there a good website for recipes that I could use for ideas when there's a bit more time, that sort of thing?



reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:29

I also have IBS too...had it since long as I remember (and I recall an episode when I was ~14) - and I'm 48 now... it comes and goes and pains can last months, and I've just finished a painful session that lasted about 1 month...

my diet hasn't changed much in the last years either...sometimes I need the toilet all the time, other times I don't go for upto 5 days..  and don't mention about the pain moving all around my stomach and intestines... sigh...

SteveCritten Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:30

There are loads of stuff now that are available Tesco especially are especially good. Simple thing like sauces that don’t need gluten they are replacing flour with rice flour (used for bulking out in most cases) Tesco’s own sausages are great now (finest) even Lidl and Aldi are good. My advice is read the label on everything.
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