shodan Publish time 26-11-2019 05:05:32

General Workouts

So as I've decided to branch out from the 5x5 system (although I will still use it a couple of times a month for the strength), I thought I'd start another thread for recording and sharing the workouts.
Hopefully we may be able to pick up ideas from eachother, maybe new exercises etc and discuss what we like and don't like...

So I'm fortunate in that my missus has just qualified as a level 3 personal trainer (and has straight away for a job at the local David Lloyd gym!) and it's doing a 8 week progressive plan for me based on my desire to burn more fat - I'd like to lose another 2" off my waist, and build muscle as well as improve my fitness.
Fortunate in that I don't pay for it and she is available to me at all times to discuss and tweak the program.

So I'll probably post it up here for all to see when it's done.

So starters for 10, this was yesterday's workout..
Legs are grumbling at me today....

Skipping is 2 mins on, 30s static stretching and repeat 5 times.

Punchbag is 14oz , 1 mins on, 30seconds trying to catch my breath to not throw up...

All other rest periods were 60 seconds and no rests between the different exercises..

** Skipping **

- 02:00

- 02:00

- 02:00

- 02:00

- 02:00

** Barbell Squat **

- 60.0 kgs x 10 reps

- 60.0 kgs x 10 reps

- 60.0 kgs x 10 reps

- 60.0 kgs x 10 reps

** Flat Barbell Bench Press **

- 50.0 kgs x 10 reps

- 50.0 kgs x 10 reps

- 50.0 kgs x 10 reps

- 50.0 kgs x 10 reps

- 50.0 kgs x 10 reps

** Barbell Row **

- 50.0 kgs x 10 reps

- 50.0 kgs x 10 reps

- 50.0 kgs x 10 reps

- 40.0 kgs x 10 reps

** Overhead Press **

- 40.0 kgs x 8 reps

- 40.0 kgs x 6 reps

- 30.0 kgs x 8 reps

- 30.0 kgs x 8 reps

** Punchbag **

- 01:00

- 01:00

- 01:00

- 01:00

- 01:00

mtrack Publish time 26-11-2019 05:05:33

Will you be dieting while doing this plan? I am currently doing the Keto diet and I have seen great improvements in terms of muscle growth and fat percentage.

shodan Publish time 26-11-2019 05:05:34

Nope I don't diet. But I do have a very healthy diet anyway and I have decided to stop buying bottles of real ale because if they are in the house then I will drink them. I'm also tightening up on cutting back on the occasional take away to make it even less frequent.
Although Doris has gone through my micros and macros and worked out my BMR, she does all my food (she has other nutrition qualifications too), she has identified that I'm not eating enough and not getting enough protein. I think that on training days I will supplement with a protein shake as I struggle to eat all the food she gives me each day anyway!

Buy I'm up for more meat in my diet, especially cow!

mtrack Publish time 26-11-2019 05:05:35

I feel your pain, I do love a bit of ale but they've been put on the back-burner these last few months. At least all those steaks make up for it!

bubs999 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:05:36

Looks decent, may give it a try as the 5x5 is getting a bit stagnant at the minute.

I need to clear the flat of all chocolate, Easter eggs everywhere! Bloody kids don't like them (only the sweets in the middle) I'm probably not eating enough too, but not sure how to check
Does the workout change?
Edit - picking up my new mountain bike tomorrow, so hoping to get out on that as much as possible over Swinley woods, should help with fast loss

shodan Publish time 26-11-2019 05:05:37

That's not the workout plan, that was just my last workout.
The real plan is progressive and so rep range, weights and volume of sets will increase over 8 weeks, along with cardio and core work...

It's going to be a real test for me, test my mettle..

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:05:38

yep, as you know I did the 5x5 for a while, then progress onto the 10x10 for about 3 months? then onto the 10x6... 

this week I'm back on the push, pull, leg routine and have made up my own routine which I'm enjoying..this works for me as I can train wed, thurs, and fri... (and kettlebells of a monday)

I find it's best to keep notes of reps and weights - this is the ony way to keep tabs on your progression ime... 

shodan Publish time 26-11-2019 05:05:39

I have always admired your work ethos, you certainly do put the effort in and you love a kettlebell!
So when you went from 10x10 to 10x6, was that for an increase in weight?

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:05:40

thanks for that 

well, it was this routine -
How To Transform Your Physique With German Volume Training!

and the 10x6 is a variation of the 10x10 - but it said to do them for 6 and 3 weeks respectively - mine was longer..! you dod get a decent pump, but the new routine is a welcome return too 

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:05:41

from that routine - I like doing the reverse flyes (rear delts) and the skull crushers - they work great with dips for triceps... 
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